


September 20, 2012

UPDATED - Diaspora Greeks Want To Give $600 Billion To Save Greece, Under Conditions (VDEO)

Map of the top 50 countries with the largest G...
Map of the top 50 countries with the largest Greek communities (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Talk about a CRAZY story, Greeks of the Diaspora are ready to buy out the Greece's debt but are demanding that changes must be made to the Greek Constitution and the government must call for national elections immediately.

While speaking to CRETA TV, the chairman of the "End Νational Debt" Mr. Manolis Lambrakis, said that the organization has already deposited bonds amounting to US $600bln in Canadian banks for the acquisition of all of Greece's debt to the IMF, the ECB, European countries and private creditors. The organization, which is comprised of expatriates -most of which are Greek-American- does however note that for this to happen Greece has to:

-acquire the debt which is currently in the hands of organizations, various nations and third parties, etc.
-and changes must be made in the Greek Constitution, and national elections be held immediately.

Mr. Lambrakis also revealed that US 50 billion has been set aside for Cyprus' debt as well. He said that a delegation of eight officials already visited Cyprus at the invitation of Cyprus President Demetris Christofias and discussed the issue with him as well as the terms of their offer.

Lastly Mr. Lambrakis noted that members of the organization are taking all the necessary steps to acquire the Greek debt which he says is currently in bonds and in the hands of private investors.(Original story in Greek published on newsbomb)

Here is a press release we found while googling this news:
USD$50 billion dollar sovereign loan to the Republic of Cyprus for 100 years

TORONTO, Sept. 5, 2012 /CNW/ - The Canadian Bureau of  END (End National Debt) a Philanthropic NGO, on behalf  of Mr Artemios Sorras, a founding member of END and benefactor of the loan,  announces that the New York Head Quarters of END via its Chairman Dr. Emmanuel Lambrakis have officially offered  a sovereign loan to the Republic of Cyprus in the sum of up to Euro 40 billion (USD$50 billion dollars) without interest, with a tenor of up to 100 years,  and  with partial repayment privileges in full or in part every 5th year anniversary of the loan to: 

A) Refinance and pay the existing sovereign debt of the Republic of Cyprus in the sum of about Euro 28 billion. 

B) With the balance  of the loan being sequestered to fund and refinance the Cypriot business sector, assist hard hit consumers, and provide trade finance and development financing to encourage growth and creation of new jobs, and new economy, thus assisting the efforts of His Excellency The President of Cyprus Mr. Dimitrios  Christofias to avoid any financial assistance from the IMF,  the EU and ECB (European Central Bank,) which will wrack and destroy Cyprus as they have destroyed Greece.  

END  via its chairman Dr Emmanuel Lambrakis and on behalf of  Mr. Artemios Sorras benefector of the loan, further announces that, the sum of up to Euro 400 billion (USD500 billion dollars) shall be offered officially to Greece,  by September 9th, 2012, with interest at 0,5% per annum, for up to 100 year tenor, with prepayment privileges in full or in part every 5th year, and in order that : 

A) Greece pay in full all of its lawfully owed debt, with the lawfulness of such debt  being  determined by constituting an International Audit Committee (not unlike what President Correa of  Ecuador did), to determine which part, if any of the said debt is odious debt.

B) To fund and refinance private company and consumer, and housing debt, and fund the growth plans of the industrial sector, trade finance, and farm land  sector, thus assisting Greece to rebound to bigger and better things from more than five years of severe recession.

END will oversee and manage such debt determination, and the further funding of the consumer and commercial development program throughout Greece.


This is a direct transcript of the video, it does not make sense at some points, but HellasFrappe will try and edit it as soon as it can so that it can be more reader friendly.

REPORTER - About the subject we will discuss with the president of the organization mr.Manolis Labrakis, who is activated in the United States, and is today together with us in the studio of CRETA-TV from CHANIA, mr.Labrakis, good afternoon!
LAMBRAKIS -Good afternoon. How are you mr.Metaxas? Thank you very much for the invitation.

REPORTER - You welcome. We have a lot to discuss. Before we talk about the organization which concerns the Public Debt, this club, and your actions in the entire world, with epicenter the United States, I want to begin with one report of yours in a happening which was realized before some days in Iraklion-Crete, in the area of St.Thomas in particular, for the role of the Omogenia to the Debt Crisis, and how you will help Greece. Namely, what exactly contains this formula of your actions? Will be of economical content? Namely, you will collect money in order to help us to get out of debt? Or it will be actions of briefings and sensitizing of the global public opinion?
LAMBRAKIS - First of all I would like to thank mr. Giorgos Bitoros my good friend, as also Charalambos Garganourakis, Giorgos Fragioudakis and Manolis Pattakos, who as you know are 3 first cousins and are the stars of the Cretan Tradition. So, in a happening honouring Giorgos Fragioudakis, for the first time – and I considered it my obligation because exactly 40 years ago at the same day I did my last rave-up in Crete before I went to America, and I did it in St.Thomas. This is why I decided it to announce it publicly there! To your question of what is the nature of our effort, I want to tell you that we are not looking for money, the money have already been collected,  they are already available, and I will explain you in a while how. My organization which is named as I see in the TV that you have down there below my name, “END NATIONAL DEBT” which means “TO FINISH WITH THE PUBLIC DEBT”, the National Debt.

REPORTER - Just a moment mr.Labrakis, to take it one at a time. Are there available money? How much and from whom?
LAMBRAKIS - Our organization is managing the funds. The funds which we are being managing are enough to pay-out the entire Greek Debt. Our decision to mobilize at this very time is important because we know from our own sources that are following many disasters for our homeland in the next 60 days, and as you realize, and you have already realized, because everybody knows exactly our moves and especially in the level of governments, countries, secret services, etc, because they know exactly, you will see that the tone and of the Europeans but and of the Americans will be brought down, the intensification which existed before one and two and three month, is to simply say a little eased now because they know that this effort of ours is exciting and finally it begins to work.

REPORTER - Therefore in order to understand, at this moment are collected funds of Greeks from abroad, amounts which the same people are willing to give in order for Greece to pay-out the debt? In order to breathe economically? Namely to give them to the public offices of the country? How exactly has the situation?
LAMBRAKIS - Let me explain you. Our organization for starters is consisting from …me the president of the organization; I am doctor, originating from Lasithi – Crete, from Christos of Lasithi…

REPORTER - And I must add, mr. Labrakis, allow me, that you achieved great work in the United States, and great help, I say it and I underline it, great help towards the Greeks and the people from Crete who came to America without a single Euro in their pockets. I personally know cases that you have helped. Please continue. I close the bracket.
LAMBRAKIS - Thank you very much. Vice-President of our organization is the well-known professor Theodoros Kariotis, who is considered the “father of AOZ”. Moreover, the professor Nikos Georgantzas, a brilliant scientist, who is specialist for the public management, namely he is a professor of systemic dynamics in a New York University, Fordham University. Lawyers, doctors, chartered accountants, economists, professors, journalists, former officers of the armed forces. So all of us, we created one organization and we had the fortunate chance to include to our organization a person who I believe must be considered “The Benefactor of the Hellenic Nation”. His name is Artemios Sorras. Mr. Artemios Sorras at the very beginning of our organization foundation, gave all his fortune elements, which are … I want to say that it is impossible for me to describe you the amplitude and quantity of the money that have the Sorras family. He didn’t hold back, not a single moment, and any sacrifice we asked him to do all this time that we spent in Washington about 12 month now, most of the time was spent in Washington with talks with the government and the relevant officers, in order to reach today at a point to be able to say that mr.Sorras has solved the Greek problem, and has allowed to our organization the entire process and how it will happen …the pay-out of the debt…
First of all, I would like to explain you that it is not exactly a pay-out but a buy-out.

REPORTER - Meaning? If I understood correctly at this very moment your organization has at its disposal a “cash box”, to put it simply, full with money. This money is offer for Greece.
LAMBRAKIS - Exactly!!!

REPORTER - What exactly this offer contains??
LAMBRAKIS - This offer contains …

REPORTER - That is to say you will give the “cash box”, you will go to the treasury department and you will say: “Gentlemen, here you are, we have those money, they are origination from a certain family and together with people that have the economical luxury and gave their help, take it, and manage it as you wish??
LAMBRAKIS - Of course Not!! One of the basics… such all the Greeks all over the Earth in any case have serious problem with the ultimate cause of the crisis. Therefore I imagine it would be stupid for anyone to promote that, without first doing some alterations to the political scenery. This that we want and we will do it very soon at the following 2-3 weeks, we will go to 3 bodies … there is a disagreement here if we can do it only through the International Monetary Fund (IMF). So, we will deposit to the IMF or and to the European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Union (EU), we will deposit American Bonds of the public sector which expire very soon, and we will acquire the entire Greek Bonds that exist all over the Earth. Therefore we would stop having Troika, or Mrs. Merkel, or Mr. Resler to say to us that we are lazy, or that we don’t do this, we don’t do that!

REPORTER - If I understood well. Correct me If I am mistaken, you wish from this procedure to by-pass the Greek bodies? To go out directly to IMF and the ECB??
LAMBRAKIS - Of course! Namely, Buy-out of the Debt. And I believe that we the Greeks have enough intellect, have our history, and have the way that we alone can manage how we will get out of this crisis, which was never an economic crisis.  The crisis that exists in Greece, as also and all over the world, is a crisis of occupation. Just think that from the 192 countries that are in the United Nations, the 191 owe money. If all the countries owe money, then who is the lender? You see? Therefore there is an occupation crisis. This occupation is clear and we are trying to cope with the best way possible, first for Greece to give the example.. And I must also point out that we did not enclosed only Greece to a close circle, and say that we will get out of debt and the rest countries do as they want.. Moreover I want to say that and the United States have a very serious problem, especially Alabama which is one of the states of the USA and is bankrupted some days before, and was asked from us to help If we can, and of course we provided our help entirely … and I must say that any loan provided from our organization is without rate of interest!

REPORTER -  How much time you kept these funds at your disposal?
LAMBRAKIS - These funds were at the disposal of mr. Sorras, but the time line that were activated these funds, because some of them are expiring Bonds of the United States, and the time is now, todays era, therefore we have decided at this critical moment to act in order to stop this great disaster and this downgrade that has suffered the Hellenic domain.

REPORTER -  For what amounts are we talking about?
LAMBRAKIS - Much more than Greece needs! Think about that Spain before 2 weeks approached us with the demand of 200 billion and we saw it with very positive view, as also I must say to you that we have offered and to Cyprus 11 billion, or we offered to pay-out and their existing debt, which is about 34 billion. The Cypriot government is regressing, one way from here, the other from there, if you remember well from the news, you would see that at one moment we had Troika there (IMF), then the Russians, then the Chinese, etc. The point is that they have a very simple solution which not only will cost them nothing, but will also save and the mineral wealth of Cyprus, because for us Cyprus and Greece are the same!

REPORTER - Mr. Labrakis, I must say that it sounds to my ears, too good and pretty to be true. We will wait, we will follow the…
LAMBRAKIS - If I had 1 or 2 moments please ….

REPORTER - You welcome. Of course. And I would like by closing to determine to us if you can the time horizon of the developments as you have it in your mind and think to act. I imagine you are now in Chania for vacations…
LAMBRAKIS - Of course! The catalytic date is 12th September, because then will meet the German down Parliament and they were threatening us before 20-30 days at least that they will force us out of the European Union and out of the Euro. So this is our date, namely before 12th September will happen this. I want though before we close to stay at a particular subject and this is the subject of the stocks of the “Bank of the Orient” which is now managing again our own organization and this is also fortune element of the Sorras family, which donated to our organization 4 stocks and to the corresponding Greek organization another 4 stocks. Here I am must point out that the 2 organizations, namely the Greek and the American organization are separate. All that exists on the internet it concerns only the Greek organization ( ). We thought this way, in order to allow us the past year to try to solve the Greek problem, and after we gave to the public the “Bank of the Oirent”, we worked another tool which is called “American Bonds” in order to be able to reach at this very moment. The subject of the “Bank of the Orient” though is a huge subject and is much bigger than the American bonds which we finally have at our disposal. And I must say to you that the subject of the “Bank of the Orient” is so serious that will shake not only Greece but and Europe and the entire World also! And remember very well that the occupation of Greece will be finished, Greece will recover and take its leader role that it deserves, in the entire global scene. It is time to get again the reins!


REPORTER - We will close with this optimistic message, by waiting to see certain actions in the following days…
LAMBRAKIS - Of course! In the following days you will see it. Thank you very much.

Interview to CRETA-TV -

12 AUG. 2012


Hellas never dies

USD$50 billion dollar sovereign loan to the Republic of Cyprus for 100 years

Note - The (4) stocks of the Bank of the Orient which are privately owned have the unreal value of the 2.7 trillion Euros (There are many other stocks in the property of Mr.Sorras and others). The NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, which is a PRIVATE COMPANY (blog’s note: with mainly England hebrewsaxons lords and Rothschild ownership), are required to pay them.
You can read about this by clicking here in an article we posted on HellasFrappe over a year ago.
 SHOCKING REPORT - Donation of a share valued at 650 billion euro stirs controversy (VIDEO)

Editor's Note - Is this real? We do not know.. sounds like a scam, or a last ploy for foreign interests to finally get their hands on Greece's natural reserves. He did however, indicate in the video that we would soon find out. What troubles us is that he said he has discussed this with US defense officials. Does that sound normal to you? Can it be a way for foreign banks to "own" Greece, or maybe foreign countries? Because our debt would be moving from one hand to the other. But we are as clueless as all of you... Talk about a development! Guess we will find out as the days role by. Stay tuned Frappers.