


September 29, 2012

Call For US Citizens In Greece To Vote For Democrats

united states currency seal - IMG_7366_web
united states currency seal - IMG_7366_web (Photo credit: kevindean)
The Democrats Abroad Greece organisation is urging all US citizens living in Greece to request from election clerks, in their home district in the United States, to send them absentee ballots. "To cast your vote in the Nov. 6 US presidential and Congressional elections, you need to make a signed request to your voting clerk to send your ballot to your Greek address. You cannot assume your ballot will be sent to you automatically as it might have been in the past. The deadline for most states (practically if not legally) is the first week in October, if you sign your form and send it in by fax or email. If you send via the Greek post office, you have only a couple of days left," a press release by the organisation reads.

Eligible US citizens can get their federal absentee ballot request form (FPCA) from the US embassy or consulate general, or, in an much easier manner, download it from Secretary 2010/ ( This secure web site will help you fill out the form with all the information your state requires, and tell you exactly where to email, fax, or mail it. You download the form, print out the form on page 4, sign and date it, and scan/email, fax, or snail mail (with a 78 cent Greek stamp) to your home county or township in America. The addresses for your local election official are listed on page 1 of your form.

Additionally, the group will host an event to watch the upcoming US presidential debate on Thursday, October 4. At 7 p.m. at the Hard Rock Caf? in downtown Athens. The price per person is ? 15. For more information send inquiries to or call 210 3227463.

Democrats Abroad is considered a state-level party committee by the Democratic National Committee.