


September 1, 2012

Bozhidar Dimitrov: There are no medieval "Macedonian" manuscripts

There are no "Macedonian" manuscripts, because FYROM was created in 1934, with a decision of the Comintern. In the last months of 1944 the "Macedonian" language was created. Consequently, it is impossible for medieval "Macedonian" manuscripts to exist and there is not any, historian Bozhidar Dimitrov, director of the National Museum of History, told FOCUS News Agency in relation with the exhibition “Macedonian manuscript richness throughout the centuries,” which the FYROM will present in the Royal Museum in Brussels in October.

The world history does not know a term such as a "Macedonian" manuscript, a "Macedonian" alphabet or a "Macedonian" medieval language, he said further.

“Bulgarian medieval manuscripts, Serbian medieval manuscripts, Greek medieval manuscripts have been discovered in the monasteries in present day FYROM, which are the main depots of manuscripts, starting with the expedition of Russian Alexiy Sukhanov, going through the XVI century and finishing with the XX centuries. That is it, there aren't any others.

Apparently Skopje will make one of these groups "Macedonian" through this exhibition. Probably this will be the Bulgarian manuscripts discovered in the FYROM, in parallel with the Serbian and Greek manuscripts,” he added.
