September 21, 2012
Athens - The City Of 350 Brothels - 4 Of Which Only Have Licenses
There are more than 350 brothels currently operating in the capital of Greee, four of which own legitamite licenses. According to Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias "the precise number of brothels in the Athens area cannot be determined due to the frequent change (of address), given that others (brothels) are shut down (by authorities), others relocate or close. Replying to a question by New Democracy MP Adonis Georgiadis, Dendias added that his ministry estimates that more than 350 are currently in operation, with a constantly changing number.
In August 2011 HellasFrappe had reported a similar story with the then Minister of the Interior Haris Kastanidis who had said that although Athens only has three legal brothels that are operating with proper licenses, there are dozens more that offer sex services illegally. He said that Athens municipal authorities in cooperation with the the police have already closed down 71 of these so called “love-shacks” but as soon as one closes down, twenty other brothels open elsewhere.
Interesting to note is that Kastanidis revealed how these the exploiters of these -sex homes- (such as tenants, landlords, etc.) usually break their permit contracts but nonetheless continue to operate. As a consequence, municipal authorities have to carry out continuous checks.
This is no surprise, since there has been a dramatic rise in prostitution by young foreign women in central Athens and 10 other areas in Attica prefecture, as well as an increase in an aggressive form of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and hepatitis C and B. Officials may be stepping up collaboration with other authoritative ministries, agencies and international organisations to deal with the problem, but it is nonetheless out of control.