August 21, 2012
SYRIZA Denies Charges Of "Wishing For Default"
Main opposition SYRIZA Parliamentary spokesman Panayiotis Lafazanis, whose controversial comments last week over a possible Greek sovereign default shook the otherwise dull August political landscape, shot back at his worst critics, namely, the ruling New Democracy (ND) party saying that the conservatives have targeted him in an "operation of lies, disinformation and slander".
Speaking to a local radio station he said he never noted that the political answer to the Greek problem is default, and moreover, his party (and he especially) never wished for such a default. "This is clear from my statements," he added.
Earlier, SYRIZA spokesman Panos Skourletis attacked Prime Minister Antonis Samaras ahead of the premier's visit to Berlin and Paris, stressing that "the head of the internal troika will meet the higher European political authority as a suppliant and not as the individual who expresses the interests of Greek society."
Skourletis forecast that any extension of the Memorandum means an extension of the recession and the disastrous repercussions to Greece society. "It is certain that Mr. Samaras does not have a different plan for the crisis than that of our lenders," he charged.
Government spokesman Simos Kedikoglou, in response to Skourletis' statements, said that "after his deputies, who wish for the country's bankruptcy, it is now clear and official that SYRIZA wants the failure of the Prime Minister's talks with our European partners. Let the people judge them." (Combined Reports AMNA)