


August 27, 2012

CONSUMER ALERT - Bacteria Detected In "Loutraki Provis" Bottled Water

The Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) on Tuesday sent out an alert on the "Loutraki Provis" bottled mineral water produced after August 17. The Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) called on the FSA to quickly remove all the bottled mineral water under the brand "Loutraki Provis", since  laboratory tests carried discovered the existence of pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The water is sold under the brand "Natural Mineral Water Loutraki Provis" and is usually sold in plastic bottles (PET) of 1.5-liters, with has a maturity date of L 18.8.2013 and L 20.8.2013.

The announcement refers to some 110,000 1.5 liters bottles of mineral water.

EFET is urging all consumers who have purchased the above brand not to consume the water for their own safety.

Article in Greek - inewsbeast