


July 5, 2012

OPINION FORUM - Will ERT Finally Get A July Management Clean Up?

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Anyone who takes over political responsibility for ERT will need a large broom for an immediate clean up in July.  Much needs to be done to end months of ineffectiveness, paralysis and large questions over corruption. ERT needs a new board, a new CEO and President, and also new mid-level management in addition to about dozen senior position vacancies from those who submitted their resignations in disgust at top management dubious interference and insidious plans.

Contributed To HellasFrappe
By Transparency ERT-International

One of the Board Members appointed by the George Papandreou government submitted his resignation just a week ago. The lawyer Georgandrea Zannos detailed in his public letter just how current management has “failed.” And he was on the board representing Culture and Tourism ex-Minister Pavlos Geroulanos, so he should know. Pity few listened to him.

The scandals are still being investigated regarding Champions League up front EURO 20 to 30 million three year payment which was four times what other private sector bidders’ submitted. A prosecutor has also filed charges against ERT senior management so the courts will take a magnifying glass to the issues and see if jail time is warranted.

Another lesser known scandal which also requires some investigation is the complete mess over the satellite channel ERT World’s disturbing tenders and changes to broadcasting and signal carriers. There are so many shadows over the public sectors satellite arm which is global and should serve the close to 10 million Greek Diaspora which has been fed a staple TV diet of rubbish from “friends,” and “political correct” presenters and journalists that have been abysmal.

However, even after the scandals there is still plenty of cash there to waste on partisan programming, outside contracts with potential kickbacks and patronage jobs and contracts all underwritten by those politically appointed to ERT. In fact, ERT has annual revenues of about EURO 300 million from DEH levies and they also have a bulging cash position of EURO 50 million thanks of course to everyone in Greece that pays for their electricity supply.

The way they conserved the Euro 50 million cash pile is simple. Management froze everything other than pet projects. They have done close to zero to improve programming, they haven’t invested in technology, they have tried to shut down any segments of ERT that compete strongly with the private sector, and of course they won’t even recognize matters like overtime payments for technicians. But they still employ hundreds of journalists who never turn up and never do anything there at all.

Money under their pillow for free at end of each month at the same time as pensioners and the private sector working poor have suffered savage cuts to support the pampered life styles of these fat cats.

And of course the ERT management rewards each other with tax payer paid enjoyable travel. For example according to public documents filed with Diavgeia, the Director of ERT World, Mr. Nikos Meggrelis, claimed from the ERT organization more than Euro 5,200 for his trips in October, December, February and March. No wonder they call him the accidental tourist inside ERT World because he is never really there. Why go when you don’t need to work doing anything and in your free time they pay for your holidays and self-promotion events

Other than the above trips to Turkey, Australia, South Africa and Brussels in those four separate months alone, has Mr. Meggrelis been absent for long periods from the leadership of ERT World on other travel to promote his documentary, which has nothing to do with his politically appointed role?

Is it that case that in several instances Mr. Meggrelis other trips – travel and accommodation - were paid for by Diaspora Greeks and not on public record? If so, why has that not been disclosed since it may be a conflict of interest?

Maybe some sponsored him for favors to produce laughable quality TV programs in Australia? Imagine that! Greece which has a third of its population living under the poverty line is using tax payer money to stimulate the economy in Australia? Makes perfect sense doesn’t it?

Meggrelis most likely has racked up the greatest number of tax payer funded frequent flier miles at ERT. While live on a measly couple of thousand a month including management rewards when you can also indulge in free travel – paid for by the foolish tax payer.

Meggrelis did something no other ERT World Director has ever done, he flew twice to Australia in the space of 9 months – and the result was that the company that was chiefly responsible for ERT World’s distribution there filed for bankruptcy. Funny it’s not the first time the same owner has done that, but Meggrelis knew better and trusted him to his folly.

But some Directors, like Meggrelis, are not comfortable and satisfied enough even with the cash and the free perks. He has been charged for unethical and insulting behavior by one of his subordinates in a case that will be heard by the disciplinary committee of leading journalists union ESHA.

And there has been a litany of waste of ERT, like the unheard of sum of Euro 100,00 for an externally produce radio, not TV, but radio program. It even shocked Independent Greek spokesman Terens Quick who also knows a thing or two about budgets and program quality.

Incidentally, no invoices can be found to verify the costs of “Stin Ygia Mas,” a massively overpriced music show with costs that are even more extravagant than its guests and overstuffed and incredibly overpaid presenter.

It looks likely that government spokesman, Simos Kedikoglou, will have responsibility over ERT and most in the market welcome that because he doesn’t want to destroy the organization but to restructure, improve and slash hints of corruption and overcome delays.

Kedikoglou knows a thing or two about ERT since he was anchorman there and the usual apparatchik tricks on political masters won’t work. In opposition he has some bold plans for the public sector broadcaster and especially ERT World. And I don’t think Meggrelis or opaque ERT apparatchiks are fooling anyone anymore.

By Transparency ERT-International
