A new documentary titled "Greece in bloom" by Austrian director Fabian Eder and his wife Julia Stemberger aims to restore the tarnished image of Greece in Austria as well as in Germany and at the same time dispel the false impressions that was generated by the mainstream media on Greece in the context of the crisis. The film, which showcases the beauty of Greece with a special focus on the everyday life of its citizens, was filmed in collaboration with the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) as well as with Austria. The film will be broadcasted by the satellite channel 3SAT (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) today (July 4, 2012) at 20:15 (prime time) as well as on July 10,2012, while it is also going to be screened at the European Parliament at the invitation of MP Dr. Hannes Swoboda.
July 4, 2012
"Greece In Bloom" Aims To Turn Around EU Opinion On Greece
A new documentary titled "Greece in bloom" by Austrian director Fabian Eder and his wife Julia Stemberger aims to restore the tarnished image of Greece in Austria as well as in Germany and at the same time dispel the false impressions that was generated by the mainstream media on Greece in the context of the crisis. The film, which showcases the beauty of Greece with a special focus on the everyday life of its citizens, was filmed in collaboration with the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) as well as with Austria. The film will be broadcasted by the satellite channel 3SAT (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) today (July 4, 2012) at 20:15 (prime time) as well as on July 10,2012, while it is also going to be screened at the European Parliament at the invitation of MP Dr. Hannes Swoboda.