


July 16, 2012

Bill Clinton to Visit Athens This Week

Former US President Bill Clinton is apparently expected to come to Greece this week in an effort with Diaspora leaders to reverse the negative image of Greece internationally as the country struggles through a fifth year of recession.The humanistic campaign wants to gain international interest and highlight Greece as being a worthwhile investment opportunity. For this Clinton will meet with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and participate in a closed meeting with Greek-American leaders on July 22 to examine how the initiative can work and then he will also meet with his "friend" former PM George Papandreou.

Editor's Note - If the meeting is so innocent... and only wants to promote humanitarian NGO's  who only want the best for Greece, then why a "closed meeting" with American businessmen? Why not a public meeting with Greek citizens? Secondly... why meet with George Papandreou? He is not heading the PASOK party -Venizelos is- and he almost did not even make it into parliament. And then they ask us not to believe in conspiracy theories. Both the Clintons and the Papandreou family has close ties to Evelyn Rothschild, the Lazard Bank, George Sorros, and Stiglitz, Just simply goodle their names... and you will be surprised at how much they are all connected. Now... should we be suspicious... or should we just look at it as an innocent visit... Tick tock tick tock