


June 12, 2012

VIDEO REPORT - Anonymous Now Targets Cyprus Gov't

The controversial Anonymous group released the following video on Tuesday. The following is a transcript of the video:

Greetings Cyprus. We are Anonymous.

The liberties of a people never were, or ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them!

Citizens of Cyprus, we see a lot of flaws within your governments (either previous or present ones). This must stop. There are a lot of people who are bribed within the government and they therefore employ people who do not deserve to hold the position they are given due to the bribery, depriving the jobs from those who truly deserve them. Bribery, which can take the form of votes as well as money, is a big issue in Cyprus. It is disgusting and it only undermines your social and cultural life and values. Reconsider! Furthermore, you must put away your selfish ideologies and forget the political differences of the past, so as to achieve together growth and stability within your island. The government of Cyprus is totally corrupted and we don't like corrupted systems.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us!

Rethink! The next think is your governments' mistakes and the negligence they show during their service, with the primary issue at stake the current pitiful explosion at the navy base of Mari. ...TRAGEDY! Additionally, another main issue is the fact that the media conceal the truth from the people and they, in fact, control them. It is both against the journalism ethics and the freedom of expression as they influence people at a high degree. They take advantage of that, in an attempt to restrict the people's free thinking and expression. This behaviour must go away.
Finally, the government is to be criticized for keeping the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement in an absolute secrecy. The people of Cyprus, the smashing majority of them, does not even know what ACTA is and what its purpose is. ACTA is an international agreement agreed upon by almost all the world, which was suggested by the United States of America. Its purpose is to render downloading from the internet movies or music a criminal offence. Again, it is repeated that illegal downloading will now be a criminal offence within the states who signed it and people will even go to jail for doing so. Its sole purpose is to protect the music and movie industries which lead the world and, therefore, have no regard to the people's freedoms. It should be fine for them to impose a fine for acting wrongly (for example by downloading a movie which has copyright); but making it a criminal offence is beyond reasonableness and it is much unfair. The worst outcome would be that people who breach the copyrights of these industries will be treated just as real criminals who rape, murder or sexually abuse children. The government of Cyprus did not take any steps to inform its people for this newly introduced agreement. They should consult its people first --perhaps by holding a referendum as this is a serious issue- and then proceed and represent the people's will. According to global sources, Cyprus was expected to sign ACTA last February. We have no clue whether they did or not. This should stop! Governments are elected as representatives of their people so as to make their voices heard. This is, as it seems, the last thing the governments of today do. This is unacceptable and those who commit this kind of fraud should be strictly punished. We will take down your corrupted system and guess what?! WE HAVE ALREADY STARTED!

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
You should have Expected US!!