


June 8, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - Does The Greek Media Suffer From Stockholm Syndrome Or Is It Just Bias?

I really do not understand what kind of country we live in. And I certainly do not understand the Greek mainstream media. On Thursday they dedicated most of the day in covering a story about a "slap" forgetting that our cancer patients do not have their medicines, forgetting the sudden rise in homeless persons, the tens of thousands of senior citizens who look into rubbish bins for food and they certainly forgot (or rather covered up) the statements by Turkish authorities who slammed Greece and its economy. Throughout the whole day the only thing we heard was shameless venomous rhetoric from journalists who have now taken the role of judges, jury, psychologists and lawyers.

Are these people deranged or are they suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?  Probably answer no. 2 because it’s easier to understand why they continually support and even defend the real abusers of democracy.

When leftists supported and defended violence in their speeches (and still do at times on the streets) I did not hear the Greek media making a big fuss about it.

When SYRIZA and other leftist organizations marched in Agios Panteleimonas in support to illegal immigrants and then clashed with police at the threshold of our churches... the Greek media did not speak.

When several people died at Marfin bank from the hands of leftist anarchists (one of which was pregnant woman), the Greek media did not speak.

When the children of certain members of SYRIZA were arrested for armed robbery, the Greek media did not speak.

When bombs exploded across Athens several years ago, and gunmen were firing machine guns at television studios from leftist anarchists the Greek media did not speak.

When leftist anarchists threw Molotov bombs all over Athens and burned down historical buildings several months ago the Greek media did not speak.

When leftist anarchists sprayed and vandalized ancient artifacts, buildings and walkways, the Greek media did not speak.

When SYRIZA's youth marched in support to FYROM against Greece, the Greek media did not speak.

Today leftists attacked a group of people who were holding a memorial with knives, and clubs because they were wearing black shirts (far-right extremists also wear black shirts), but I did not hear the Greek media saying anything about this.

When a candidate from SYRIZA goes on YouTube and broadcasts a video instructing people how to steal arms from the army, and how to stage a revolutionary war against the system (Greeks killing Greeks), I did not hear the media saying anything, and I did not see the justice system intervening either. (Check video below)

And when the Left ran to support illegal immigrants who seized our public universities, the Greek media did not speak but rather gave them a mansion to make their strike even "more comfortable".

And what is worse, the Greek media broadcasted philosophical definitions of the word violence... making it friendlier on the ear in order to justify the horrific violence we were all enduring as a society by these Left groups. (View video below)

Violence was accepted when Karamanlis was in power e? Now its not.

And a "slap" by a rightest was THE BIG NEWS of the day? The "slap" crushed our democracy while all the acts I mentioned above did not?

Has the world gone mad?

This Avant Garde approach, or rather "progressive approach", by our media in favor of the "Left" in what is democratic and what is not personally makes me want to throw up.

Their irresponsible and bias handling of all the issues I mentioned above combined with the rise in crime gave way to far-right parties and slaps and their ludicrous and vicious remarks against the right all these years generated extremes.

In this country, anyone who is a rightist or a conservative and plans to run for office should really not expect to get help from the mainstream media. In fact, they can expect just the opposite. Journalists in Greece have long since crossed the dividing line between reporting and advocacy.

Objective journalism, if it ever really existed, is a thing of the past. Some say that it is impossible to be objective when reporting the news, but I personally think this is just an excuse to justify their lack of objectivity.

Today, the mainstream media is more likely to acknowledge that it is bias and what is more it will even belittle anyone who questions it. We have seen many examples of this from MEGA channel as well as ALPHA, SKAI and certainly the state channels.

Unfortunately, this will not change, and in my opinion the best way to neutralize this is to render the media elites irrelevant by going around them and taking the message directly to the people.

One example of this is the discussions on the social networks. On Thursday every single television station in Greece talked about "the slap", and they all had the same opinion. .. while on the social networks the opinions were completely opposite.

Friends, once we understand that the media is the mechanism used by "interests" to convince us that black is white and white is black, we can start reversing the impact the ‘perception management’ team has on us. Get it through your heads the real war should not be between the left and the right. but It should rather be between the average citizen and the elite. If we as Hellenes come together on this one single issue, everything else will resolve itself sooner or later. And if we don't and allow ourselves to continually be brainwashed by what the media does and does not say to us, then I am afraid that Greece will be doomed to suffer decline and defeat at every single right and left turn.

Marina Spanos