


June 9, 2012

Illegal Immigrants Flooding Greece Focus Of TV Show

As Greece spirals further into debt, a fresh wave of illegal immigrants makes its way over the border threatening to put even more pressure on a country that is already at a breaking point.  The issue of illegal immigrants was the focus of the "AFTOPSIA" Show on ALPHA. The host Mr. Schroeider and his guest former Minister of Order Michalis Chrysohoidis walked around downtown Athens and spoke to local residents. Interestingly the officials they spoke with informed them that the "Golden Dawn" party cleaned up some of the neighborhoods in this area and from what it looks like this did not sit well with Chrysohoidis.

Luckily, the reporter cleverly reminded him that it was his duty as Minister to increase security and battle the rise in crime, but his incompetency to do so and the laws generated by his leftist PASOK government were not only friendly to illegal immigrants, they escalated the problem even more. All this combined with the deteroiration of the state, and our police forces forced citizens to take the law into their own hands in order to protect their homes and their families.

Chrysohoidis later speaks about the so called "detention centers" which we now know were just a pre-election pledge since only one such center is operating in Attiki. 

We know that the state is trying to guard 16,000 km of coastline and hundreds of kilometers of mainland and it is clear to us that this is becoming an impossible task for Greek authorities to battle. But generating laws that are even more friendlier for human trafficking circles is not an answer and certainly the harm on our economy (from supplying food and free medical aid to these people) and our lives is devestating.

Other leftist views -such as that of SYRIZA's who wants to legalize all these people and even give them a monthly allowance- is not an answer either but is rather even more dangerous because it will encourage even more traffic to Greece from these third world countries and lets not even analyze what it will do to our lives and economy.

We want our lives back. We want to be able to walk freely in our country. Over the last three years we have seen the transformation of a city that was once home to scholars such as Plato and Socrates turn into a replica of war-torn Kabul, and we are frustrated and terrified. (The show was broadcasted in April.)