


June 9, 2012

Ex SYRIZA Candidate Gives Lessons On Revolutionary Civil War

The Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) should really be more careful with who they include on their list of candidates. While the Greek people get set to head to the polls on June 17, some of SYRIZA's candidates (well... some of its former candidates) are talking about a revolutionary war!

Former candidate with the SYRIZA party in the A' Section of Athens Ifikratis Amyras (the second name immediately after party leader Alexis Tsipras) who was a candidate in the May 6 elections even if some leftists deny it, produced a video and broadcasted it on YouTube which talks about guerrilla warfare!

He comfortably talks about how to form a revolutionary army, while he also speaks about war techniques. In the video he proposes to establish autonomous small groups, that should be armed, and which would then launch attacks against the occupiers (meaning foreign companies, rich Greek elite, God knows what else).

In his view paramilitary units are revolutionary, and they should be equipped with their own resources without waiting for support from a central revolutionary leadership. The paramilitary groups, he adds, should have passwords, storage of materials and weapons.

This army, adds Amyra, should act without warning and only consult with each other a little before the outbreak of revolutionary acts. For those unable to take up arms Amyras suggests that others involve themselves with disrupting telecommunication services of the occupiers, or free people "from the forces of repression" so that they in return can guide "the world into war against the forces of repression".

In the case of a conflict, the former candidate with the SYRIZA party suggests that the nuclei of the Revolutionary Army should become familiar with regular raids and guerrilla operations and he even advises his followers to prepare for street fights,

He speaks about executions of the "praetorian" occupying government.

Our beef with this particular story is not whether or not SYRIZA decided to include a lunatic to their list of candidates, but that this man seeks the overthrow of the Greek Constitution and is openly inviting people to join him in a civil war!

Below are references showing the name of Ifikrati Amyra which we repeat was second in line after its leader Alexis Tsipras.

Editor's Note - Do authorities know that this man is openly giving lessons on how to start up civil war on YouTube? Or are they so still fixated over "the slap" by Kassidiaris to Kanneli that they are blind to anything that might "tarnish" the image of the left? We must be mad as well... how can we expect the Greek state to act when it took authorities only 10 minutes to issue an arrest warrant for the Golden Dawn member on account of a slap and 12 years to arrest Akis Tsochatzopoulos for stealing almost 1 billion euros from the state. And no... the Greek mainstream media is once again avoiding this story. The only source that broadcasted the story was the Makeleio show with Stephanos Chios on Friday night, every other channel is suspiciously avoiding it.