


June 11, 2012

Ex-SYRIZA MP Defends Position On Revolutionary War In TV SKAI Interview (VIDEO)

The former candidate with the SYRIZA party in the A' Section of Athens Ifikratis Amyras (the second name immediately after party leader Alexis Tsipras) who was a candidate in the May 6 elections -even if SYRIZA continually denies it, and who produced the controversial video which was broadcasted on YouTube that talks about guerrilla warfare -or a revolutionary war-(with the use of firearms, knives, axes, Molotov bombs)) was invited to speak on a SKAI television news show about this on Monday morning. Asked by reporters why he produced a video that talks about how to form a revolutionary army and proposes to establish autonomous small groups that would carry firearms and launch attacks and executions, he said that it was a call to the Greek people to resist the occupying forces and he emphasized that this should be done with every possible means. He said that if the present situation in Greece can be overturned with elections, then this would be fine, but if there are no other choices available to overturn the present situation then -all options- should be examined -meaning revolutionary war-.  (Please read the full report and watch the video he produced where he openly talks about a civil war by clicking here)

Editor's Note - This man is dangerous, and we are still curious as to why the Greek justice system has not intervened.