


June 12, 2012

Case Of Revolutionary War By Leftist Topic Of Debate On "Mila" Show

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The Greek justice system finally reacted and on Monday announced that it was going to launch a preliminary investigation into the case of Mr. Ifikrati Amyra who reportedly called on citizens to "take arms" and join him in a revolutionary war against everyone who supports or supported the memorandum (please read this shocking story by clicking here). The head of the public prosecution Mrs. Eleni Raikou commissioned Prosecutor John Dragatsi to investigate the case. The spokesman of the New Democracy party Mr. John Michelakis would testify on Tuesday.

From what has already been released on the Internet from various news sites (including Kathimerini and SYRIZA's Avgi) Ifikratis Amyras was a candidate and the second name immediately after party leader Alexis Tsipras in the May 6 elections. Now, and after the story made headlines, they are trying to downplay this by denying that he was ever a part of their electoral list.  Amyras apparently produced a video and broadcasted it on YouTube which talks about guerrilla warfare! He apparently belongs to the leftist DHKKI party which was first formed by Dimitris Tsovolas (former Finance Minister to the late Andreas Papandreou). When Tsovolas abandoned the party, this leftist party apparently re-established itself a further two times under various leaderships.

We were also not surprised with the "white glove" handling of the issue by gossip queen Tatiana Stefanidou on Monday when she featured this case on her show "Mila" which is broadcasted on STAR channel (just like SKAI channel suspiciously did earlier in the day - read that story by clicking here). Invited guests included  SYRIZA cadre Mr. Balafas who again denied that Amyras was a candidate with his party.

This is a lie because a list was released on DexiExtreme (quoting a story from protothema) with all the links (as well as an excel document) showing otherwise.

The show also examined the far-right Golden Dawn and the case of Elias Kasidiaris as well