


May 16, 2012

VIDEO REPORT - Brawl Breaks Out On MEGA Channel Between Reporter And SYRIZA MP

A brawl broke out on MEGA channel this morning, between reporter George Economou and SYRIZA MP Dimitris Papadimoulis. At some point, Economou, known for speaking without thinking to many of his guests up to the point of being extremely rude, interrupted the SYRIZA MP demanding that he be allowed to ask a question instead of being "terrorized" into listening to his monologue. This provoked Papadimoulis who answered back by characterizing him a "Goat/Sheep Herder" or (gesemia) of public opinion and  so Economou... now frantic... said that SYRIZA might have only received 16% at the elections but they are displaying 100% of arrogance. With Papadimoulis insisting that the media has the "power" to play with public opinion in one corner, and Economou pretending to be an objective reporter on the other a second shouting match followed with both of them asking that they retract their statements, but of course they both refused to. Papadimoulis refused because he played the part of the victim, and Economou refused because he really believes that he has a right to shoot his mouth off to whomever is non-PASOK.

Editor's Note: Our opinion on all of this: Well, they were both wrong, and it was obvious that Economou was "working it" to discredit SYRIZA in hopes of scoring some points for his PASOK comrades. SYRIZA on the other hand is indeed arrogant, but all these tactics are nothing new to us  since most of the left-wing parties that operate in Greece have had this sort of attitude for decades. You know the kind of attitude we are referring to... "I have a leftist ideology but I like Grand Mariner, yachts and Rolex" but I fight for the little guy. -In other words... lots of B***ll Sh***t- After suffering an instant migraine when watching this, we here at hellasfrappe did what we have always done in such situations... turned the television off to both of them!