


May 11, 2012

Storm Clouds Hovering Over Specific Corrupt Journalists

Storm clouds are hovering over specific names from the Greek news media according to Dimo Verikio. On his daily talk show on Friday morning Verikios began openly talking about some of his corrupt peers in the media world which he said have made lots of money from accepting kickbacks to do their job.  "How did so and so build a mansion in the northern suburbs? "How did so and so do get so wealthy". Yeah Dimo Vreikio... how did they all get so wealthy when the average salary of a reporter is 500 euros?

You are opening a can of worms in our opinion, but since you did then why not go the whole nine yards and mention a couple of names.

What is wrong with you people in the Greek media anyway?

You speak of clarity and fair play, and pretend that you expose information when all along you are only sweeping your own dirt under the carpet.

Some of the reporters in the Greek press cannot even hand out perfume samples, let alone report news... And where else in the world are anchormen/woman lawyers?


Only in Greece!

So if you want people to begin believing in you once again, then start talking! If there are Greek reporters accepting kick backs and involved in money laundering then we want to know.

The radio report came after the news that several big names in the media sector were going to be exposed by Akis Tsochatzopoulos for accepting kickbacks and being directly involved in money laundering.