


May 2, 2012

Samaras Promises 9% Growth in GDP By 2015

While speaking to workers in the area of Lavrio, New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras said Greece could mark a growth of over nine percent in GDP that will reduce unemployment by half over the next three years. According to protothema, this is part of his economic plan which aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and unemployment. "Remember that for every 1% rise in GDP there will be 45-50.000 new job positions, and the deficit will be reduced by 1 billion euros:
  • "if we use about half (7 billion) from the available funds of the NSRF in the next two years, we will have additional GDP of at least 15 billion euros, equivalent to 7 GDP units. This will create jobs and safeguard others that are now at risk, and over 300,000"
  • "if at the same time we bring liquidity measures as well, this will be permanent. And it will last, and lead to growth"
The ND president said that for in order to start the economy the NSRF funds will not be enough, but there will also have to be the necessary liquidity and this will happen after the recapitalization of banks:
  • - with the liquidity tool that is already discussed by the European Central Bank
  • - with the additional loans to the Greek banks
  • - with the programs of ETEAN etc.
He announced two additional measures that will create additional liquidity:
  • - the repayment of State debts to individuals amounting to 6 billion, with about 5 to be paid by the end of the year 
  • - the tax amnesty for the return of deposits along with some additional measures to provide security

Samaras reiterated his commitment to reduce taxation. "We will gradually reduce tax rates, starting with 15% for legal persons and will arrive in reducing all tax rates to levels that have never been seen to Greece before. This is true revolution!". He argued that in order to have employment we must have companies. "And to have companies and new investments we can not tax them three times more than our neighboring countries."

The ND president said that "we have all the means at our disposal, and they are not prohibited by the loan agreement. They will be accompanied by true growth initiatives such as marinas, new tourism infrastructure, energy, verticalisation- manufacturing of products and gradual reduction of tax rates." Finally, he said that there are two prerequisites: hitting bureaucracy, to which he gives the highest priority along with the gradual reduction of taxes and not taking other recessive measures, such as horizontal cuts to wages and pensions.