


May 18, 2012

New Defence Minister Trashes Forest Firefighting Deal With Turkey

This is what happens when "patriots" and competent men/women take hold of high ranking positions in government. The first decision by the former head of the army, Lieutenant General Frangos Frangoulis, who on Thursday was appointed as the new interim Defence Minister of Greece, was to totally trash the ridiculous decision by the former PASOK government to hire a Turkish company to monitor Greek forest fires.

In a letter to the Secretariat of the Citizen of Protection Ministry (formerly known as the Ministry of Public Order), the new Minister of Defense said that there were serious national safety issues at stake with this decision (no kidding!!!!) and he asked that Turkey's bid be excluded.

He also ordered the Armed Forces to send him a detailed report so as to justify his reservations, and according to reports the letter will be sent within the day.

Source - onlaert

Editor's Choice: It is the first time... in well over two and a half years that we here at hellasfrappe actually jumped off our chairs with happiness. Finally... a government official with common sense!