


May 3, 2012

Max Keiser - Save democracy in Greece - Save the cradle of western civilization!

Max Keiser - "The front line for this war (on the banking system) is not in New York City, the front line is in Athens and these people (Occupy Wall Street Movement) should go there and join the front line against insurrection against banker occupation. It is called Occupy Wall Street, by OWS in New York is not the front line... the front line is Athens and those people are gearing up for a major revolt, they are arming themselves and getting ready for the major war that is going on and they need support. Please help! It is Greece, the cradle of Western civilization that is under attack. And the question is : What about western civilization itself ? If Greece is destroyed, what’s next?"

Share this campaign with everyone … It was started on Wednesday May 2nd.

For over the last three years, Greece has been making headlines all over the world and the general impression has been that the Greek government has been fighting tooth and nail to save the country from bankruptcy and ruin. In reality, Greece's alleged saviors are the same people who have been fighting to bring the country and its people to their knees, and have unfortunately been very successful in their endeavors.

Specifically, and since 2009, Greece fell prey to a handful of criminals who intentionally and following a detailed plan, began tearing the country apart. Unfortunately, to this day no one has managed to stop them. Because of this, and in a final attempt to save the country, two appeals have been sent to the International Criminals Court, while hundreds of Greek citizens have already requested that the Prosecutor in charge stop the execution of one of the most heinous crimes in contemporary history which is the destruction of a country that is the symbol of western civilization. Today the people in this very same country find themselves humiliated, exhausted, impoverished and have lost all hope, all because of the country's political and state leadership.

Therefore, it is obvious that these appeals involve crimes against humanity and genocide being currently perpetrated. Genocide may possibly sound  too harsh a term, and such a crime being committed in modern Greece, a member of the European Union, may beggar belief, but exaggeration is not an issue here. Read this summary and the communications, view the evidence and be the judge of the validity of the allegations yourselves.

There may be no gas chambers as some people ironically remark when they hear the word genocide, but there are other modern methods used, such as the shock doctrine, psychological as well as physical violence, financial warfare, continued violation of basic human rights, propaganda and others, which, combined, actually fetch much 'better' results than gas chambers, and without a doubt lead to rapid population decline, and the final goal, which is, the extermination of the population. Another means employed  to contribute to the rapid decline of the indigenous population is islamification of the country, a vehicle which can single-handedly destroy Greece, due to its multiple chain-reaction effects. In particular, on account of recent legislation combined with inefficient guarding of the borders, the country has turned into a magnet for all the world’s underprivileged, discontent people, most of which are Muslims originating from Africa and Asia, which Greece neither has been nor will be in a position to care for, but is also barred from allowing to enter Europe.(Dublin II)

To this day, the use of all the above mentioned means has resulted in, amongst other things, a drastic increase in: sense of insecurity, crime-rates, abortions, negative birthrates, suicides, disease both physical and mental, deaths from  un-natural causes, mass migration of mostly young Greek people abroad, and the alteration and deterioration of the local population.

Therefore, not only are these means exceptionally effective but, compared to gas chambers, they have an unparalleled advantage: the detection of their existence, aims, power and effectiveness is very difficult.

Because results are what matters, taking a look at Greece today is proof that the "weapons" of choice were appropriate and used efficiently. Some of these results they achieved in the last two years are: the country is shunned from the markets and has become a laughing stock, it has lost any semblance of standing and sovereignty, and despite debt restructuring is practically bankrupt. Governmental lending has skyrocketed and the public debt is unsustainable, business indexes and the market have collapsed, GDP has shrunk by approximately 12%, the value of state property has reached rock-bottom, tens of thousands of businesses have closed, unemployment is up by 242% and for the first time in Greek history, those employed are fewer than those with no source of income at all. The majority of the population live below the poverty line, and every day, more and more people no longer have access to food, shelter, medicine and medical care. The centre of Athens is now a ghetto, schools and hospitals are closing, parents are forced to take their children to orphanages as they can no longer afford to care for them while pupils go without books, which used to be supplied free by the state, and faint in school due to starvation. The Greek energy system has collapsed, there are power shortages, and tourism, which is the country's 'heavy industry' has received a great blow. Long forgotten diseases have reappeared due to the influx of illegal immigrants, poverty and insufficient medical care and big cities are swarming with homeless people. There is a reign of terror over society, the dignity of the Greek nation has been smashed to pieces and the country is suffering from depression. And this is only the beginning……

NOTE: To the present, many people have survived by any means they could, whether that involved living on the savings they still had ,selling off their assets, relying on their family, exchanging products and services, or surviving on solidarity alone, as society has instantly become more sensitive to its weaker members and takes care of them. In this framework soup kitchens, food banks, social groceries, clinics and pharmacies have sprouted up all over the country and distribute free products and services to anybody in need. In order for these social networks to be established (food banks,clinics etc) Greece has received help from abroad. From the Diaspora, from the Church of Cyprus and Russia, from organizations such as Doctors Without Borders, Doctors of the World, etc. Taking into consideration that the adverse consequences on the economy and society increase exponentially, soon, not even these HUMILIATING  models of survival will work.

CONCLUSION: From everything mentioned above, it is more than obvious that in Greece, not only are there crimes against humanity being committed, which nobody has disputed to this moment, but also genocide itself, which is currently in full swing and is punishable by the ICC, (as are crimes against humanity and war crimes). In order to disperse any doubts, see how it is described in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court :

Article 6 Genocide
For the purpose of this Statute, "genocide" means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
  • (a)    Killing members of the group;
  • (b)    Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  • (c)    Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  • (d)    Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  • (e)    Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
See below some more details on the situation in  Greece and help to put an end to it.. Remember that we are not talking about a country of the so called "third world" but a modern western country, member of the EU which just happens to be the cradle of western civilization. Then consider this: If all this is possible in a country like this, why not somewhere else? If a symbol can be destroyed, why not what it symbolizes?

How this state of affairs came to be

The summer of 2008 marked the commencement of public discussions on the  financial crisis. An international crisis caused by foreign events, said the then Karamanlis government, local and due to governmental policies, said the leader of the opposition, Mr. Papandreou. Before long, the latter called for premature general elections using the state of the economy as an excuse, claiming that the government’s financial policy, which was based on privatizations and austerity measures was erroneous and would with mathematical certainty lead to recession and ruin.. In the end, in 2009, Papandreou took advantage of the pending elections for the President of the Democracy, brought down the government in a coup-like fashion and brought about his much desired premature elections. Parliament closed on September 2, 2009 just two years after its formation and the elections took place on October 4.

The economic crisis was still the main topic during the pre-election period, and therefore, most speeches, statements and commitments that the  candidates made, referred to their proposed solutions on how to exit the crisis. Mr. Karamanlis proposed moderate austerity measures while Mr. Papandreou growth and improvement of institutions. The latter won.

According to him, the implementation of the proclaimed policy was based on utilization of the inexhaustible potential of the country and its manpower and would ensure a swift exit from  the crisis, reduction of public borrowing, prosperity and the safeguarding of the country’s standing and  credibility abroad. What did he commit to? Faithful implementation of the political platform no matter what the circumstances, restarting the economy, creation of new wealth, just redistribution of the national income and no new taxes for middle and low incomes  so that  their purchasing power is not reduced, the country doesn’t   go deeper into recession and the vicious circle of collapse is  avoided.. This is a statement which  was heard on many occasions, not only as a commitment but also in answer to his political opponents.

At the time, most countries were plagued by the economic crisis and more or less, Greece was experiencing the same  problems as they were. But for Greece, taking into consideration its unique assets it would have been a piece of cake for the country to exit the crisis, had there been any such intention….

The advantages/assets of Greece
  • - it’s low overall external debt, its geostrategic position, and  its priceless cultural heritage (the utilization of which would, on its own, solve any and all financial problems.)
  • - important areas in the economy such as high quality agricultural products, tourism and shipping, where there is no real fear of labour competition from developing countries (China, India, Russia etc) as happens with German and other industries
  • - the fact that it is one of the very few western countries, maybe even the only one, which still owns significant  public property, rich unexploited subsoil, and very profitable state-owned utilities.
Some corroborative information, indicative of the above :
  • - over the last decades Greece is the number one global shipping power (but shipping companies are registered abroad)
  • - in 2009, total Greek external debt compared to GDP was 167% and, both globally as well as in Europe, Greece lagged far behind countries such as Ireland which came first with 1000%, or Holland with approximately 470% or Britain with 416% and Portugal with223%
  • - the country’s unexploited assets (for example mineral resources) were no secret to anyone, as it was well known since 1981 that Greece joined the then EEC(of nine members) with three advantages : its commercial shipping, its mineral resources and the Greeks’ sharp business acumen.(Gaston Thorn, EEC President ,1981)
Immediately following his election, Mr. Papandreou simply and completely ignored the lot (his promises, the country’s assets, his duties etc)  and, as it later proved, set about implementing a plan to destroy the country, hinged primarily on a basic repeated pattern: delivering blows to the county’s credibility and prestige, paralyzing the state and implementing savage austerity measures. With such a plan in place, and with the blessings of the President of the Greek Democracy, Mr .Papandreou and his government succeeded in tearing the economy, the state of law and the social fabric of society to shreds. In other words, they managed to prove with their actions  that it is indeed true that austerity measures lead to the vicious circle of collapse and that, before the elections, they knew exactly what they were talking about: only growth, social justice, and the proper  functioning of institutions can  solve problems and bring prosperity.

The broad outline of the Papandreou basic plan was:

  • 1. To come into power
  • 2. To create the circumstances necessary in order to take out huge transnational high risk loans
  • 3. To ensure that circumstances are such that repayment of the loans is impossible
Today, all the above phases are complete and the country has been surrendered to its creditors, who have taken over the administration and thus, effectively began the process of enforcement of their claims. Because things are much clearer in hindsight, these developments leave no doubt as to whether fraud was intended.

How the plan was implemented:

Among other things, when he came to power, instead of practicing the implicit duties of Prime Minister, to implement the plans presented during his election campaign and resolve any of the problems the country may have been facing, Mr. Papandreou did the following:
  • - the first day (05.10.2009), he instructed the Bank of Greece to extend the settlement period of the Greek Government Bonds, thus creating substantial margins for speculative depreciation and manipulation which depreciated the bonds (switched from T3 to T10).
  • - the 10th day he declared on Reuters that ‘The situation of our  economy is explosive."  "Today we face unprecedented fiscal derailment," "We are in an emergency situation, everyone must understand that." and more …
  • - At that point, an unprecedented and incredible defamation campaign of Greece started, with him declaring left, right and centre, at every opportunity that the country is bankrupt, it is unreliable and corrupt, with a revenue collection system in tatters, and a parasitic economy.
  • - he made the financial situation of the country appear much worse than it actually was, revising the deficit of 2008 up by 2%,  and  the deficit of 2009 up by at least 3,7% by means of creative accounting.
  • - for approximately one year, he left most of the public services and organizations headless, while at the same time continuously reshuffling the government, while establishing and abolishing ministries every time. The shipping ministry was the one that received the biggest blow.
  • - he repeatedly increased direct and indirect taxation and proceeded to introduce horizontal cuts to salaries and pensions,  brutally attacking middle and low incomes. After a while, many people started living below the poverty line property, thus being unable to pay taxes. In spite of the above, he went ahead with his policies: new tax increases followed, coupled by further salary and pension cuts again and again. What was the result? What should have been obvious to a 5 year old: Society was becoming more and more impoverished by the day, but without the state receiving more income. On the contrary, in fact after each austerity raid, more and more companies went out of business and the tax payer pool decreased. Nevertheless, the Government remained firm in its policy: taxes and cuts.
  • - he moved on to suspend payments internally, thus weakening even more the SMEs (small medium Enterprises) which are  the backbone of the Greek economy
  • - he drastically reduced public investment, while not reducing profligate public spending, and didn’t perform any type of reform whatsoever.
Except for the above, he also took the following steps:

1. Since March 2010, he implemented an unprecedented Immigration policy, because of  which, the number of illegal immigrants flocking daily to Greek territory exploded. The small, indigenous, already aging population was heavily hit and because most  immigrants  are young people who  come and settle in Greece to raise a family and have many children, while  Greece  is suffering from negative birth rates, young people are migrating abroad, etc, the population will be more rapidly altered and in the end will be assimilated by the newcomers. Add to this, the constant turmoil around the world and the successive waves of illegal immigrants as a result of the first, it is obvious that very soon the inhabitants of this country will no longer be Greeks.

As concerns the immigration law, it is worth noting that:
  • - a foreigner can get Greek citizenship even if he does not speak Greek
  • - foreign children born abroad can take Greek nationality
  • - foreign children born in Greek territory immediately receive the Greek nationality, even those of illegal i
immigrants, thus they can legitimize all first degree relatives. As a result, pregnant women from Pakistan, Afghanistan and other Asian or African countries illegally enter Greece ,augmenting the already large number of foreigners who continuously enter  the country illegally.

2. On April 2010, having embarked on his defamatory campaign and the rest of his tricks and thus managing to raise lending interest rates and  Government deficit and debt, despite there being no need for it, without even looking  into other options, without even going out to the markets, but ignoring low-interest loans that China and Russia offered, he pleaded inability to borrow and the direct risk of bankruptcy. Then, in order to solve this fictional problem, he voluntarily appealed to Troika (EU, SWF and IMF) asking for a high-interest loan €110Bn. A few months later, he asked for another  loan of €130Bn, and that, more or less, means that in less than a year of his serving as Prime Minister, he asked for more money than Greece had borrowed in 35 years!  And it doesn’t stop there. He asked for the first loan of €110Bn in exchange for the country's immunity and assets, present and future, and the  second loan of €130Bn, in exchange for the country's administration by its creditors and the repayment of loans in priority over salaries, pensions and other social expenses."It is as if they were borrowing from a Mafia loan shark to repay an advance from their grandmother", The Financial Times said. This giant loan, Greece neither needed, nor has received and neither is it certain that it will receive. But, it is due to this loan agreement that Greece has  found itself  bound and gagged as it were, has  lost its immunity and national sovereignty and now risks losing its public property and wealth. ( Greece received only a part of the first loan and it was used exclusively for re payment of government debt)

3. Finally, in order for Mr Papandreou’s pre-meditated plan to be executed and completed, all the while keeping his crimes concealed, he included techniques  to manipulate the masses and applied psychological war fare techniques, the shock doctrine, in order  to ensure that the people accepted as necessary changes that under normal circumstances would be deemed unreasonable. Indicatively, below, some of the means used were:
  • - threats, blackmail and false dilemmas, the most common ones concerning bankruptcy and either accepting the bail outs or exiting the European Community and the Euro.
  • - wavering responsibility for everything that led to this situation.  More accurately, he lay the blame at the door of a) the previous government who allegedly falsified end of 2009 deficit figures b) the citizens who were corrupt and evaded  paying tax c) the markets for not giving him enough time to improve  the economy  d) the EU who didn’t handle the Greek crisis appropriately, e) leaders of other foreign countries and f) above all TROIKA (as if they were then ones who forced him to take out the loans, and  more specifically, loans from them and them only ). With such behavior he managed to divide public opinion, extensively damage the country’s image abroad, as well as greatly damage the relations of Greek people with other  peoples.
  • - "Debt-terrorism", was utilized  on one hand to secure the people’s consent by causing them to feel as co-conspirators and accomplices concerning the debts that others had struck up , but he (who was  "corrupt", a "parasite" and "tax evader") had to pay, and on the other hand, to disarm popular resistance against the destructive application of pre-decided policy.
However, in spite of these techniques which were applied in various combinations from the very beginning, many people realized early on what was happening and from May 2010 massive, group and individual reactions of all kinds began.  Demonstrations, political rallies, street protests, law suits, complaints, indictments for high treason, open letters, official letters by ordinary people, academics  and artists, but all this was in vain. Nothing changed. The protests and demonstrations were dissolved using inhumane  police brutality  and everything else was ostentatiously ignored. So, Greek citizens have decided to turn to International Courts and to ask for the support of global public opinion.

So far greek citizens have appealed to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and have denounced crimes against humanity and genocide in progress, but applications are due to be filed to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), pending their completion!

Just after the 1st appeal to the ICC, Mr Papandreou realized he could not continue in such a manner way, and so decided to change roles, in order to continue his work behind the scenes.

And so, on 09.11.2011, without anybody realizing it, he resigned along with his government, instead of calling for elections in the  manner provisioned in the Greek Constitution. On 11.11.2011,on  the same day that his presidency of PASOK was meant to expire, an  employee of his Office, Mr Loukas Papademos was made prime minister, and  38 members of the outgoing government were re-instated in the “new: government. The official mission of the illegally appointed Prime Minister and his  team was adherence, to the letter, of the policies of Mr Papandreou, which was an already proven recipe for the destruction of the economy, of society and of the State of Justice, all the while leading the Greek people to despair, poverty, depression, misery and many deaths. More specifically, their mission was the finalization of the 2nd Loan Facility Agreement. With this in mind and in order to “save the country” once again from bankruptcy, they decided on new measures ( new hikes in taxation, new cuts in salaries and pensions, new increases in utility bills, and additional lay-offs of 15.000 people for 2012 and another 150.000 until 2015. Mr Papandreou on his part, abused his position of leader of the PASOK by not stepping down from office on the agreed date, thus being able to maintain full control, to rule from behind the scenes and to keep enjoying the benefits of power until the completion of his plan.

After the second appeal to the ICC, the ruling, non-elected government of the country, decided to call elections in which, via new threats, more blackmail and pseudo-dilemas, where the terrified Greek people were called upon to decide on a future  that had already been decided upon and mortgaged by the governments in power since 2009. Consequently, the elections would, in actual fact, serve the purpose of pseudo-legalization of  decisions already made, which were made for the people, but not by the people, without their consent. The man behind the elections, organizing and guaranteeing the results is Mr.Loukas Papademos and his coup-like government. In these elections members of this government are free to participate, as well as other politicians,for example Mr. Papandreou, persons in other words who have been repeatedly accused of treason and other crimes, but have never been brought to justice. This is true for one simple reason: in Greece politicians benefit from full immunity  from criminal offenses they may commit during their stint in office. (ΝΒ. Concerning the electoral procedure, indictments from 13 citizens have been lodged, involving accusations of attempted electoral fraud and high treason. Meanwhile, on Russia's insistence, OASE election representatives have been sent to Greece.)

Indicatively, Mr. Papandreou has been sued for systematically abusing power, for  disruption and deterioration of the democratic institutions of the country, for slandering and others.. He has also been accused of the fact that the above actions allowed him an unjustifiably prolonged presence on  the country’s political stage which also provided him with monetary benefits - rewards for his service to the community which he was asked to return with interest in the lawsuits against him.

Beyond these benefits,it seems there were more. Thanks to his political activity ,it appears he was the recipient of numerous illegal and controversial benefits for himself and his immediate family, ranging from commissions, speculating on CDS, and other activities from which he amassed profits exceeding €2Bn. Regarding CDS, there was an enquiry at the European Commission (cf Question for written answer to the Commission,Rule 117, Andreas Mölzer (NI) Subject: Greek Prime Minister speculating against his own country ) as well as numerous publications that revealed clues, not only concerning CDS but also the “green energy project” that also seems to have been a source of illegal profits.

At the same time, there were accusations that he had meticulously planned his moves and that he was always aware of his actions. Intent is proven, amongst other things, by the sequence of events, by the content of the statements he made, and also by the fact that, as the son and grandson of prime ministers and a member of many different governments, he knew and knows only too well how to play the political game and has a very good knowledge of the Greek reality, the Constitution and laws, which he skillfully abused/manipulated to  give an air of legitimacy to his actions, to mock institutions, to ridicule them in order to ultimately achieve his objectives.

In the website you will find the two communications sent to the ICC, lawsuits submitted in Greece, and all the pertinent evidence. The content of this site is systematically renewed.

According to the aforementioned
  • it is evident that Greek citizens are victims of their Political Leadership and are in no way involved in their actions,
  • it is evident that due to the exceptional and unique assets and potential of Greece, and the volume of natural reserves that remain unexploited, no Greek politician would dream of legitimately uttering the word ”bankruptcy” under any circumstances, unless high treason was on the agenda,
  • it is evident that the crimes against Greece and the Greek nation were premeditated and that the country’s citizens did everything in their power to prevent them.
  • finally, it is evident that if these crimes continue to be perpetrated, Greece will be destroyed.
It is Greece, the cradle of Western civilization that is under attack.

And the question is : What about western civilization itself ?

If Greece is destroyed,what's next?

Sign the petition -

Source justiceforgreece