
May 16, 2012

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Council of State President Appointed As Caretaker Premier (VIDEOS)

New general elections are now scheduled to take place in Greece on June 17, with Council of State president Panagiotis Pikramenos as the caretaker prime minister. It will be the second time in just over a month that Greeks head to the polls after the inconclusive elections of May 6 and following the failure of a series of exploratory mandates to the top three parties and subsequent efforts by the President to iron out agreement on a coalition government. Political party leaders convened by President Karolos Papoulias on Wednesday and failed to reach agreement on the composition of a caretaker government to lead Greece to new elections next month. Under the provisions of the Constitution (Article 37), in such an instance the President appoints a caretaker prime minister from among the president's of the country's three supreme courts: the Supreme Administrative Court, the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court, or the Court of Auditors. (AMNA)

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