


May 13, 2012

Aggression By Ankara Towards Cyprus' Sovereign Rights Should Be Denounced

House President Yiannakis Omirou said that Turkish aggression towards Cyprus' sovereign rights in its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), should quickly and efficiently be denounced with political and diplomatic efforts and representations to the Security Council of the UN. "Turkish provocations in terms of challenging the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus within its EEZ have reached their peak with the publication in the Official Gazette of the Turkish Government that maritime plots of Cyprus belong to Turkey, in complete and flagrant violation of the Marine Law, as enshrined in the UN Convention of 1982", he said speaking during the conference of Cyprus`s Bank Workers' Union ETYK.

Omirou added that the discovery of significant gas reserves in Cyprus' EEZ is a development with many significant dimensions. `` This fact apart from its big economic importance, creates big opportunities for an active geopolitical upgrading of Cyprus's strategic position and its role in the field of energy, `` he added.

Pointing out that Cyprus, for the first time in its history can take advantage of its significant and competitive geographical position, he said that this will strengthen the struggle of people of Cyprus for freedom and justice.

Meanwhile, a total of fifteen bids from five companies and 10 from joint ventures have been submitted for the second licensing round concerning the Republic of Cyprus' offshore hydrocarbon reserves. The bids were submitted for 9 of the 12 offshore blocks, comprising the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Companies expressing interest in the second licensing round originate from 15 countries, including Cyprus. The rest of the countries are the UK, France, USA, Israel, Holland, Korea, Russia, Malaysia, Italy, Australia, Norway, Indonesia and Lebanon. Offshore blocks receiving the greatest interest are block number 9 and block number 2. According to the Minister, bids will be evaluated by an advisory committee, which will submit its recommendations to him. The final decision will be taken by the Cabinet within six months. (Combined Reports - AMNA)