


April 10, 2012

VIDEO REPORT - One More Lawsuit Against George Papandreou On Committing Treason

Dora Kritikopoulou, from the Athens Bar Association of Lawyers, has drafted a lawsuit against former prime minister and leader of the PASOK party George Papandreou, George Papakostantinoy, etc. accusing them of committing the act of treason against Greece (and its people) and cheating voters (in regards to the elections in 2009) and she is calling out to all citizens to co-sign the indictment so that her case can be brought to trial. She says that over the past two years citizens have witnessed a terrible crime being committed against them and the nation of Greece. "The nation and its people are being exhausted on a daily basis, others migrate (to other countries for employment), others commit suicide, this cannot continue and I cannot permit myself -since I am an acting attorney- to sit back and not act". Kritikopoulou notes that when citizens (and especially lawmakers) brake the law they have to face the consequences, "this is what my university background taught me". The lawsuit will be submitted to an Athens Prosecutor on April 27, 2012. She says that all citizens that believe that they were betrayed and/or deceived by Papandreou, Papakostantinoy, etc., can co-sign her indictment. For further information / or additional information contact

(Brave woman!)