


April 19, 2012

SPECIAL REPORT - The Debt Deal Between Rich & Poor Will It Succeed Or Will It Fail?

Conspiracy writers say that there are "instruments" used that help to funnel money from the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign aid organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet’s natural resources. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports (often the product of credit rating agencies), rigged elections, kickbacks, payoffs, extortion... you name it. Now, now, before you start accusing hellasfrappe of dreaming conspiracy… start laying down what has happened to Greece or your country since the 2008 financial crisis, and then begin piecing everything together for yourselves.

Friends... globalization, or the philosophy behind banking systems such as the IMF and the World Bank, is nothing more than manipulation by the corpotacracy and the use of debt, bribery and political overthrow.

The basic scam is simple, put the country in debt through its own indiscretion, or by corrupting the leader of that country, and then impose structural adjustment policies, often consisting of the following:
  • Currency devaluation – If the value of a currency drops, so does everything valued in it. This makes indigenous resources available to predator countries at a more attractive price and a fraction of their actual worth.
  • Social cuts - Large financial cuts in social programs; these include the education and health care sectors, compromising the well-being and integrity of society, leaving the public venerable to exploitation.
  • Privatization - Privatization of state-owned enterprises this means that socially important systems can be purchased and regulated by foreign corporations for profit.
  • Trade liberalisation – the opening up of economy through removing any restrictions on foreign trade. This allows for a number of abusive economic manifestations, such as trans-national corporations bringing in their own mass produced products under cutting the indigenous production and ruining local economies,  lowering the competition of national economies by western imports,
Sound familiar...

Without having to think really hard, think about all the cuts that have taken form on the middle class over the last two years. Our wages have been slashed, the education and health care system has suffered, just recently we found out that they are now examining the welfare system as well and they are pressing us to move ahead with a "sell-all" privatization campaign.

All this because we were cursed with having natural resources such as oil, natural gas, gold and minerals...and anyone who goes up against these interests (who have now set Greece as a target) will be taken out of the way.

Take for example former leader of the conservative party Costas Karamanlis, who refused the IMF, did not want to surrender the name of Macedonia and who wanted the people of Greece to benefit from this nation's natural resources and refused to hand things over to western interests (which have enough money and assets to begin with). They attempted to assassinate him... and we all know today that he was purposely taken out of office through the help of their "Yes Men" and suddenly we became sitting ducks for all these interests.

We are totally at fault for this. Because we refused to listen two years ago to a man who was being hit left and right by lies and falsifications... today our country is in a stranglehold of the Memorandum. Everything we fought for to achieve as a nation (and this applies to every one all over the world) is being exploited by large corporations that stand behind these world banking systems. As a result, we have lost many rights and our sovereignty is hanging by a thread. And all this, because we opened the door to the global bankers. 

How much damage? Well... a cursory glance at the World Bank performance record reveals that the institution that publicly claims to help poor countries, and alleviate poverty, has done nothing but increase poverty and the wealth gap… while the corporations that back this bank have watched their profits soar! So much so, that in 1960 the income gap between 1/5 of the world’s people and the richest countries versus the fifth and the poorest countries was 30 to 1. 

And get this... by 1998 it was 74 to 1.

In fact, while global GMP rose 40 percent between 1970-1985 those in poverty actually increased by 17 percent and from 1985 to 2000 those living on less than one dollar a day increased by 18 percent.

Even the joint economic committee of the US congress admitted that there is a mere 40 percent success rate of all World Bank projects.

So why the hell would they ever think that they would succeed here...?

They know very well they will never succeed. Even if our governments followed their plan to the tee... these corporate run banks would find some other type of debt to pile us with, until they really get what they came here for and in our case, it is our natural reserves and the reserves of all the nations in Northern Africa, the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean.

And if you think for a minute that we are only blaming the IMF and not the ECB and the EU for purposely giving us the wrong medicine to relieve our economic woes, think again. We know that Europe is going to suffer from a severe energy problem by 2020 and are well aware now as to why Germany is so adamant about setting up alternative energy sources here in our country. They used their "Yes Man" to do this for them with a suspicious project named after the sun (helios), and we also know that this is one of the reasons they want us to allow FYROM into NATO because it will allow an open highway for this energy to pour into the rest of Europe. We are well aware of what they want... and we realize what the corporate interests backing these banks are capable of but if they think for a moment that we will accept this... then they better come up with another plan. 

Scheming and suffocating a country will never allow them to achieve the impossible and this is because we as a people are too proud to allow this to happen. And this is not because we have a history of "anarchy" in our blood as Kissinger says, but because we are the cornerstone of democracy. and the source of inspiration for the whole world. Already our struggle has become a beacon of hope to other southern European countries and the more they battle us, more and more nations will support us.

The corporate interests backing these banks should be advised to back off... because other nations are being inspired by our fight.

If you get right down to it... the World Bank and the IMF are just banks. They might be largest providers of capital aid, but we all know that all this money is made out of thin air, or a fractional reserve banking system so what is there to be afraid of? It is actually kind of funny if you think about it. The same system that corrupts and topples governments, that steals from the poor to maintain the wealth of the ultimate rich creates money out of air and then makes us... the less fortunate pay for it. 

It is the same system that is supported by secret groups and societies where if you are a member you have an open door to privileges not realized by us commoners and if you are not... well then tuff luck.

Folks… things are not as they appear. NBC is owned by General Electric, ABC by Disney, CBS by Viacom, and CNN is part of the huge AOL Time Warner conglomerate. Most of our newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses in Greece as well as anywhere else in the world are owned - and manipulated- by gigantic international corporations. 

Our media, just like yours, is part of this stench-smelling, corrupt and greedy corporatocracy and those who can influence are paid top dollar (tax-free money) to brainwash us every single day. In fact, the officers and directors who control these communications outlets are keen on strengthening and even further broadening this very corrupt system and this is all because of greed. THEY WANT EVEN MORE! Unfortunately they are very efficient in doing so and when opposed, they can be ruthless.

So much so... that we are afraid that they will "rig" the national elections which are coming up because they are trembling over the results. 

Its pretty simple logic when you get right down to it. We know that they are here to claim a stake in our natural resources... because the debt is too impossible to ever pay back. But what guarantees us as a nation that we too will benefit from this? Look what they did in Sierra Leon which is the world's center for diamonds. Wasn;t it the same elite that operated there? Did that nation benefit? We don't think so. Its people are stinking poor.

So adding more fluff through our media is not going to help matters when we already have witnessed such economic damage.
What they have done, however, is killed our democracy. And this is not just in Greece, this is all over the world. Let us face it. Today there is only IBM, AT&T, DuPont, Dow, and of course Exon. These are the modern "nations" of the world and the only entities that actually have influence. We are all working for their behalf, including our governments because their wealth is so immense that some of them are more economically powerful than oil producing countries.And what do we do as a people? We continue to support them! So much so.. that we have allowed Wall mart, General Motors and Exon to become more economically powerful than Saudi Arabia, Poland, Norway South Africa, Finland, Indonesia, and many other countries. 

Doesn't this scare you? Our democracies have been bumped off by a couple of corporate buffoons who attend masonic meetings and marry their children off to other wealthy families to maintain their wealth. But we continue to shop at Wallmart because it sells the laundry detergent for 4.99, or purchase Nike shoes... knowing very well that they supported non-regulated inhumane sweatshop factories. Sure the quality is good, but how good does it make you feel knowing that you paid 100 dollars for a pair of shoes that was made by someone who makes no more than 10 dollars a month?
So the burden falls on you to see the truth beneath the veneer and to expose it. First of all start living a more humble life. You do not need all these things.

Then speak it to your family and friends and spread the word. Remember what we said at the beginning of our story: their biggest threat is being exposed. 

Friends... We need a revolution in our approach to education, to empower ourselves and our children to think, to question, and to dare to act. Set an example. Become a teacher and a student; inspire people around you through your actions. 

You will not suffer if you purchase a lesser known brand... or miss a sale on laundry detergent... You do not have to be Gandhi, or Martin Luther King to make a difference in this world... you do not have to run to a square and hurl petrol bombs either... all you need to do is not endorse corporations that back dirty banking systems that destabilize countries.

It will be your own revolution against the elites and corpotocracy and to one thing... and one thing only GREED.

We owe it to ourselves, our children, our tomorrow and our very own conscious. 
While you might think the little things you can do are insignificant and have no effect, with enough people these small things add up and make an even bigger change than any single organization or person could ever do! It all starts with you, and your willingness to help create the world that you dream of. 
We must never allow all these corporate assholes to create us into economic units whose only function is to behave and pay off their gambling debts to stock market hunches. We are not subjects, numbers and/or unfeeling machines… we are humans!