


April 5, 2012

Greece On Sale On E-Bay - Bids Started At $1525! - Now at $77,000

This next story might sound like a belated April Foo;'s Day joke but its real. Believe it or not foils some wise crack put the whole country of Greece on E-bay and began the auction at 1,525 and has managed to get bids that reached as much as  $77,000. The "item" Greece was taken down by E-Bay at this address (click here) but the military site defencenet was able to snap a quick photo (as proof) as well as has included the link to the "items'" site.The damage nonetheless was done..  Greece was actually on sale for several hours.

This is what the E-Bay page says 
In what could be one of the better deals encountered on Ebay, one can submit a winning bid for none other than the country of Greece, currently going for the modest price of $1,550 (although with 6 more days left in the auction, there is a small chance Goldman will outbid and use it as LTRO 3 collateral). Of course, since the country is worth much less than the debt (all 7 subordinated classes of it) any new equity buyer would assume, this is a trick auction: our advice – settle for nothing less than getting paid as much as possible for “buying” the country.
 And here is what the seller said in his note which is posted on the same page
I’m offering my country for sale. What is left of it anyway. Slightly used, low wages, low pensions,  low expectations. Lots of sunshine though, free at the moment.
Many natural resources, minerals etc that are still untouched. Bureaucracy at its best. Great bribe-to-do system, over 20 years of experience.
Obedience at the IMF, bankers and the Troika is guaranteed, no questions asked.
The buyer will get for free 300 politicians, highly trained at the University of  Fine Arts of Scandals. And free Greek Bonds with extremely high international market value. For confetti.
I will provide the best possible certificate that you will ever imagine, maybe even a custom one that you’ll ask.
No hard feelings

Here is the link... read it and weep 

Obviously we here in Greece will take this as a joke on the part of the seller... and we are certain that he and his friends probably had a good laugh in poking fun of a country that is standing on the verge of total collapse... but we want him to know that we are not laughing because we take it is a direct insult to our country and to its great people.


Shame on anyone who sees a person hanging on a cliff and kicks his hands so he can fall faster.

We did not find this funny at all. In fact we found it tasteless and want to remind this "seller" and everyone like him that if it wasn't for Greece, he would still be living in caves.