


April 13, 2012

FYROManians Campaign Ahead Of NATO Summit

Τhe NATO Summit in Chicago is but several weeks away and FYROManians are mobilizing their citizens and its Diaspora to achieve the country's accession to the North Atlantic Alliance. FYROManians do not want to fulfill the conditions set by NATO for a solution to the name issue, and have rather turned their focus on endorsing their accession by "imposing" their integration.

One such move is an all new online campaign from the FYROM Diaspora which created the site and is now actually advertising and promoting the country's accession to NATO. Parallel to this, it is flooding youtube with videos promoting its accession.

But there is more, on May 19 the FYROM Embassy in Washington is to jointly organize a Gala at Chicago's Hilton hotel and according to Greek press reports the event will be attended by the President of Skopje, Ivanov as well as leading NATO leaders.

And just one day later, a march has been organized by the FYROM Diaspora in Chicago where participants plan to wear the shirts featured on this blog post.

Hellenes, and members of the Greek Diaspora...

We implore you to ACT NOW

Let us all unite and advocate for Hellas, our Macedonia and our rights... before its too late.