


March 31, 2012


Are Greeks the incarnation of corruption? Are all Greek people lazy and unwilling to pay their taxes? Did negative comments such as "the sinking titanic", or the "country of full of corruption" or even "we ate it all" (Theodore Pangalos' μαζι τα φαγαμε) have negative repercussions in the way foreigners now view our country? According to a new short film titled "Pseudocracy" the Greek crisis not only devastating long-term effects on the Greek citizens, but embedded a negative image full of stereotypes into the minds of millions of people in the way they view and feel about Greece and its people. The Montreal-made film that was written and directed by Philippos Balabanos (with some help on the screenplay by Peter James) was created for the Greek American Film & Foto Week: 48-hr film festival, and it is is centered around the festivals theme of that focuses on the perception of contemporary Greece as described by Plato in his allegory of the cave. The movie was produced by Phos Films & Carpe Noctem Pictures, and is due to be released to the public in April, 2012. It stars Peter James, Joanna Chery, Angelis Sarbanis, Philippos Balabanos.

Hellasfrappe was privileged to have had a special screening and after viewing the short film we can definitely give it a thumbs up! Way To Go Montreal!

For more info please visit