January 9, 2012
Papademos Using Papandreou Tactics To Scare Citizens Into Conforming
From what it looks like Greek interim prime minister Lucas Papademos has adopted a different game plan. He met with political leaders with the aim of "warning" them that if they do not support the necessary measures the troika is not going to sign the next tranche of the bailout plan and with simple words Greece will go bankrupt. It looks like Mr. Papademos is following the same tactics as George Papandreou did and basically blackmailing political leaders to agree to his terms. As for the expected elections, the same tactic was used and it was reported that the very same threat is looming over the country if we decide to resort to the polls. Of course oligarchs claim that this is because if Greece heads for the elections now it would signify the talks that have not concluded between the Greek representatives and the troika.
Aside from that they are trying to get their hands on the private sector... by slashing the 13th and 141th wage (for North Americans, these two last wages consist the 4% of annual income employees receive all over the world once a year on their vacation pay. In Greece this is paid in two installments. One full pay at Christmas, and half at Easter and half on their holidays). If the government slashes these wages in order to please their friends in the industrial sector (probably because they finance their campaigns) then there is a fear that the country's pension funds will drop, consumption will decrease dramatically and Greek citizens will fall deeper into recession. This is a stupid move, if implemented, and certainly is being received negatively by all citizens.
These moves by Papademos do not surprise us at all. He is after all, the NWO's man in Greece. In fact, over the holiday season, he met and held talks with the French and German leaders as well as with the IMF and ECB heads, and reports that are trying to "shock the public and blackmail us even more" claimed that they were pessimistic about the current economic situation here. It was said that if Greece fails to comply with what’s been dictated to it then the scenario will be endlessly bleak and the omens bad. This formula has been slapped on the Greek people for months now... and every month they still find the money to pay public workers and pensioners...
Go figure..
And get this... somewhere in there this whole thing was tied with PASOK's ANXIOUSLY awaited leadership election. It was actually argued that the succession process might cause further upheaval to the already shaky political situation in Greece.
It looks like George has pulled all the stops to remain in power...