


December 19, 2011

Property Tax To Be Paid In 5 Tranches Via Power Bill In 2012

An extraordinary surtax on real estate for 2012 will be paid by taxpayers in five two-month installments, according to a legislative act published in the Government Gazette, which clarified that the surtax will again, as in 2011, be collected through the Public Power Corporation (PPC) electricity bills.

The act further clarified that excessive sums paid by taxpayers on the 2011 surtax due to mistakes in the calculation of the controversial surtax will be balanced on March 31 against the 2012 installments.

According to the decision, even if mistakes have been pinpointed in the calculation of the surtax, the taxpayer is obliged to pay the amount within the designated deadline, and the excessive sum paid will be balanced on March 31, 2012. (AMNA)