
July 16, 2011

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Birbilis’ “friendship” with Papandreou gets her possible seat on OECD

The theory that states that if you are chummy with the Prime Minister and follow his every word, then maybe, just maybe… you can get awarded with a magnificent job, a fat salary, a ritzy home, a chauffeur and so on.. and so on… might just prove to be true.

It doesn’t matter if you do not qualify, it does not matter what type of credentials you have, all that matters is that you are a steadfast supporter of the leader.

Former Minister of Environment Tina Birbili has apparently set sail to assume the position of Ambassador of Greece to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a very prestigious position for any Greek official, and with important material rewards too . 

According to press reports, the former minister (a close friend of Prime Minister George Papandreou), who found herself out of the cabinet in the last reshuffle, accepted a proposal from the PM and is seriously considering the move to Paris. 

The job has, of course, substantial rewards. According to the same reports the relevant salary for such a position ranges at about 300.000 Euros per year for a five-year tenure, with the provision of a very luxurious apartment in the French capital… 

If Birbili accepts and decides to leave Athens, this will eventually prove that her course and that of former Finance Minister George Papakonstantinou as well… are not that different, as she had said during the ceremony for the delivery of the ministerial office, because Papakostantinou had worked in this very organization for a decade. 

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