


June 17, 2015

Violent clashes on Lesvos - Migrant Attacks Greek Official - Situation out of Control (VIDEOS)

Without a doubt, Greece is collapsing from within and citizens all over the country do not know how (or in what way) to protect themselves. At present Greece is struggling to rise above a six year economic crisis and as such can hardly sustain its own citizens let alone support an unprecedented influx of illegal migrants which are flooding its shores on a daily basis. The government's open border policy is not only deepening the current economic crisis, it is literally destroying the only industry that Greece is successful in ... tourism! Mytilene, which is one of the most picturesque port cities in all of Greece now resembles a city under occupation. Local reports claim that there are more than 3,000 migrants who illegally crossed over from the Turkish coast, are spread out all over the port -and nearby areas- making it look like a third world nation. They sleep on sidewalks, squares, streets and around public buildings, and from what we read the locals and especially tourists are becoming very frustrated with the situation.

Earlier this year, the new government had warned that our country should expect more than 100,000 immigrants to illegally cross over into Greece (most of whom are from the Middle East, Asia and Africa). Already, more than 55,000 migrants have arrived and the island of Lesvos has borne the brunt of this huge influx.

The mayor of Lesvos has already used many community funds to construct a makeshift campsite to accommodate this unprecedented invasion, while local citizens have offered migrants blankets and food. Lesvos does not have anymore facilities to accommodate these migrants and yet the migrants are demanding more. So much so that this past week the situation got totally out of hand and developments took an awful turn. Thousands of immigrants been protesting to Greek authorities demanding better living conditions and faster processing of their asylum registrations. The trouble is, they are not all entitled to asylum. In fact only a small fraction of these migrants are entitled to asylum and with the latest EU law on migration it will become harder and harder for them to obtain asylum in the future.

On Wednesday the migrants staged a violent riot and destroyed much public property on the island.

More exactly, a violent clash broke out when 300 migrants began marching from Mytilini's indoor swimming facilities to the main port. Throughout their march, which incidentally was suspiciously being coordinated by unknown organizers, they were chanting slogans against the Greek state and island residents while they raised placards and other protest material  threatening officials to immediately issue them the proper documentation so that they can leave the island and head to Athens. (This too is very suspicious).

The situation took a turn to the worse when migrants attempted to besiege a Greek Coast Guard container trapping Greek officials inside. Following this, a migrant brutally attacked a port authority official on the head and then things got totally out of control. At least five migrants were arrested for extreme violent behavior and more than 10 people were injured, including a pregnant woman. They were all rushed to a local hospital. Luckily local authorities were able to contain the protesters and thus ease the tense situation. (View video BELOW as posted and reported by

According to a separate report on newsbomb this is not the first time that riots such as those described above have occurred. A violent clash also happened this past Monday between the migrants themselves and many people were injured. It was reported that migrants are also disagreeing amongst themselves. For example, Syrians say they want to be housed separately from Afghans and there are reports that claim that there is physical fighting between these communities all the time.

Greek citizens are hospitable, and tolerant, but enough is enough and the buck stops here!

If you think for one minute that HellasFrappe has no compassion for these people, or that we are sensationalists for daring to report this story, then look at what the locals said today following the protests on their island. This is just a small example of their statements on the social networks (as reported by read more by clicking HERE 

SYRIZA's dangerous open border policy

How much damage has SYRIZA's open border policy made? According to reports the number of illegal immigrants in the Greek island of Lesvos coming from the northern sea borders between Greece and Turkey increased by a whopping 550% during the March-April 2015 period compared to the same period last year.

Let us break it down: According to official data from the National Coordination Center for Border Control, Immigration and Asylum released by the Greek Interior Ministry, 8,735 illegal immigrants from third world countries that were detained by Greek port authorities on the island of Lesvos during the March-April 2015 period compared to the 1,345 immigrants during the same period in 2014. On the island of Samos, the number of illegal immigrants who were detained increased by 534.21%, reaching 2,410, when a year ago they were just 380. And it does not stop there. About 18,456 migrants illegally cross into the islands of the northeastern Aegean and the Dodecannese during the first two months of spring, or marked an increase of 469%. On the other, the migration flow in Evros (northern Greece) was about 869 illegal migrants compared to the 445 people arrested in 2014.

What is the EU doing about this new crisis

In Luxembourg, European Union nations failed to bridge differences on Tuesday over an emergency plan to share the burden of the thousands of refugees crossing the Mediterranean (especially in Italy and in Greece), while on the French-Italian border, police in riot gear forcibly removed dozens of migrants.

What is the international community doing about this?

In a recent announcement the United Nations refugee agency said that the number of arrivals is expected to increase even further during the summer season, when weather conditions make the sea crossing from the Turkish mainland less hazardous. The UN also criticized Greek authorities for not maintaining proper initial reception conditions for these migrants, never once taking into consideration that the people of our country can hardly sustain themselves!

(Question: If the UNHCR knows that migrants are illegally crossing into Greece from the Turkish coast, then why are they not sanctioning Turkey or taking measures to combat human trafficking? Also, the UNHCR claims that more than 90 percent of these migrants are from countries experiencing war and conflict, principally Syria, but at the same time admits that more than 60 percent of the arrivals in Greece this year alone are from migrants from countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia. The numbers do not add up, and certainly do not make sense.)

Check out this news report as well which was posted on YouTube today by the same channel that posted the riots and which needs to be investigated since it clearly proves that the migrants are not "roughing" it as some would want us to believe, quite the contrary we would say.

Sources -, SKAI Tv, YouTube, Newsbomb,, United Nations Press