


June 12, 2015

PROVOCATION: Smugglers hand out brochures to immigrants on Turkish coast titled "Welcome to Greece!" (PICS)

The illegal trafficking of people into Greece is more or less known. Every day new evidence comes to light exposing this illegal activity and the international circuits who conveniently exploit pleasant terms such as "humanitarian aid" and "human rights" to continue with business as usual. It is an indisputable fact that there is a plan to destabilize Europe with the inflow of all these people, and especially the countries in the Southern Mediterranean. It is also a multi-billion dollar industry that is making our neighbor, Turkey, very wealthy.

The trafficking of illegal immigrants into Greece does not concern spontaneous floods of "persecuted refugees" since all these people sail from the Turkish coastline where there is no war at all. It is rather about a system that has a state "signature" and reaps in huge profits for the Turkish Coast Guard and other such authorities.

Let us not forget that many of those disguised as illegal immigrants could possibly be dangerous criminals who mix within the crowds.

It was recently revealed that brochures titled "Welcome To Greece" were handed out to masses of illegal immigrants, that were getting set to cross illegally into Greece. The scandalous brochure (seen in the pictures above), depict an immigrant who has just crossed illegally into Greece facing the sunrise.

Keep on reading... This only gets better!

Inside the brochure, according to the military news site defencenet which exposed this story, are phrases in Greek with an explanation in English so that the user (or illegal migrants) can know a couple of phrases before they land on Greek soil.

What is interesting and certainly worth noting, is that this brochure is being distributed on Turkish territory and this is very important because it means that this is being conducted with the collaboration of Turkish authorities. Don't expect the present government to investigate this provocation because it has clearly advocated for an open door policy as far as illegal immigrants are concerned.

According to defencenet, the brochure belongs to an international "anti-racist" organization, which provides illegal immigrants with information and guidelines on how not to give their fingerprints in the various countries they travel on to, but only to Greek authorities so that if they ever get caught, they can once again be returned Greece.

The brochure also provides illegal immigrants with information on where all the detention centers are located, various types of Greek legislation, contact information for legal counseling, etc.

The present government is obligated to investigate this claim thoroughly and at the same time alter its policy on the flow of illegal immigrants into Greece, because if it doesn't then we can safely assume that they too are aiding and supporting international trafficking.

Reference in Greek - defencenet