


June 21, 2015

PROVOCATION: McCain Says FYROM should join NATO as "Macedonia" (VIDEO)

In a flat out provocation against Greece, US Senator (and well known war-monger) John McCain on the weekend suggested that FYROM should refer to itself as as it sees fit, meaning as "Macedonia", and left it to be understood that it can do so by disrespecting international treaties, laws as well as Greece!

More specifically, while answering a journalist's question at the GLOBSEC convention in Bratislava, Slovakia, on whether or not FYROM should join NATO, together with Montenegro, he said that “both countries fulfill the criteria but (FYROM) Macedonia [sic] is obstructed by Greece because of the name issue”.
     “My personal opinion is that the name of the country is up to people of the country and that decision is made by the people of the country, not by any other country, including Greece”.
In other words, Mr. McCain blames Greece for FYROM's exclusion from NATO, never once taking into consideration that the name that this country has chosen to call itself violates international treaties. The correct name of this republic is Vardaska, and whether some want to accept it or not this is what is stipulated in the interim agreement and it must be respected. If not, then why do we have the United Nations for? The American defence industry cannot dictate to the Greek people what name FYROM will have, because anyway they cut it, shape it and serve it, Macedonia is, was and will always be Greek!

These are the words of American Senator John Mc Cain (Republican), former soldier, presidential candidate (2008) and a member of the Senate of USA. Let us keep in mind that Mr. McCain is a loud voice for the American defence industry and someone who who all know -from the evidence in the press- has close ties with the barbarians who call themselves the moderate "Free Syrian Army" (but who we all know are far from being moderate). Indicative are the three reports, click HERE, HERE, and HERE.

HellasFrappe understands why Mr. McCain would advocate for FYROM. We realize that he wants NATO to have more clients to sell its defence systems, but this does not give him any right to state his opinion on delicate foreign affairs. Shame on him for disrespecting Greek history, the Greek people and the nation of Greece. FYROM has a duty to respect the interim agreement of 1996 and any action to bi-pass this agreement will only hold repercussions against the neighboring country. HellasFrappe also hopes that the American Diaspora takes McCain's words into consideration when they head for the polls in the next US elections.