


April 3, 2015

Warning From Anarchists: We could have entered Parliament if we wanted to

The members of the “Rouvikonas” anarchist group who on Wednesday staged a protest in the courtyard of the Greek Parliament issued a statement on Friday claiming that they could have entered the building if they wanted to. The anarchists said that their actions intended to raise awareness and solidarity for several prisoners who are currently on a hunger strike and who demand, among others, the abolition of maximum security prisons and anti-terrorism legislation, (oh... and the release of November 17 terrorist Savvas Xiros). In their statement, the anarchists also point out that the death of the first hunger striker in Greece and Europe since Bobby Sands is rapidly approaching.

They then called on the SYRIZA-led government to demonstrate whether “it is a regime worse than the (Antonis) Samaras government or managers without access to critical sectors of implemented policies, who watch helpless as the police and judiciary revel, as they have been for the past two months”.

The statement then further warns the government that they have the political responsibility of anything that happens to the hunger strikers – most of whom are facing serious health problems after 32 days on strike –. They also note that if things get worse, then others "may attempt proper invasions”.

Click HERE for follow-up story 

Editor's Note: In our opinion, these anarchists -most of whom are from wealthy families and extreme Leftists- are fascists and a hazard for society. They have no moral values and Greek society has had it up to here with them, their ideologies and their threats. Savvas Xiros cannot ever be released because he is a convicted terrorist from the notorious November 17 organization; the organization of which is responsible for numerous executions across Greece. Demanding his release is simply unlocking more deaths and executions across the country. HellasFrappe does not rally and support the SYRIZA government, but we will be damned if we do not condemn an organization that dares to threaten any government with consequences (which translates to chaos) if their bidding is not done. These boys and girls might thrive on chaos, but that doesn't mean that we have to. This nation needs stability and if we really want change then they should be rounded up and thrown in jail. SYRIZA has to amputate itself from this ideology or it will be condemned from the people. Enough with all these ludicrous demands, ridiculous ideologies and enough with threats and chaos!