


April 20, 2015

Russians begin inspections of Greek farming product suppliers - Exports to Russia to rise

The Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Rosselxoznadzor began its checks to future suppliers of farming products from Greece, Hungary and India.
     "Approximately twenty Greek companies will be inspected in Greece and another twenty in Hungary while only four to five companies in India. Cyprus has asked for a short extension and the inspection in Cyprus will start on April 27 in 6-8 companies," the representative of the Rosselxoznadzor Alexei Alekseenko told the Russian press agency RIA-Novosti on Monday.
He added that the inspections are expected to wrap up by April 30th.
In Athens, diplomatic sources told the state news agency ANA-MPA that the Greek companies that will be checked within the next two weeks are involved in the production of dairy, poultry, cured meat products and fish from fish farming. According to the report, the Russian side will import products only from units that have certification from Rosselxoznadzor and will not consider the EU certifications sufficient.

Sources: RIA-Novosti, ANA-MPA