


April 22, 2015

ND Ordered To Evict Offices At Syggroy Ave., Property Seized Due to Advertising Debts

The New Democracy party is being evicted from its headquarters on Syggroy avenue on account of debts to the banking system, as well as others to advertising agencies. Just like PASOK, the conservative New Demoracy party is up to its ears in debt; especially after moving its party headquarters to Syggroy avenue. It's position cannot be compared to the socialist PASOK party and ND is undoubtedly in a better position to pay back this debt to the Greek state, but nonetheless it is drowning in debt and has now come face to face with the law.

On Tuesday afternoon the party officially received a document that was issued by the owner of Spot Thomson, Dimitris Mavros, indicating that measures have been taken to confiscate all party accounts (or at least this is what a report on defencenet claims).

The reason behind the property seizure order concerns the party's outstanding debts to the particular company.

The order was not the only slap that was endured by the party on Tuesday since it had already received an eviction notice from the owner of the building where the ND offices are housed. Apparently the building originally belonged to a company owned by businessman Babis Vovos but after the company declared bankruptcy its ownership fell into banking hands, and the banks now want their money back.

Defencenet also claims that many ND workers have not been paid for a while, but HellasFrappe could not confirm this information. The only thing that is certain is that the eviction from Syggroy, as well as the seizure of property, is a huge blow to party leader Antonis Samaras (as well as his followers) who had initially decided to make the move from Rygilis St.

Source in Greek - Defencenet