


April 7, 2015

Kammenos: We will terminate policies that devastated Greece (VIDEOS)

In a live interview to reporter Nikos Hatzinikolaou on the enikos show which is aired late on Monday night on STAR tv, Defence Minister Panos Kammenos "told all" about the ongoing negotiations with Greece's partners, the investigation committee for the memorandum, the Greek debt and Germany's stance.

According to Kammenos, Greece's sovereignty, its mineral wealth, homes and businesses of Greek citizens will not be mortgaged, but he did not say "no" to an "honorable compromise" with Greece's creditors adding that their failure to meet the agreements deprives the compromise of such features. Greece's Minister of Defence kept on noting that Greece's lenders "do not want an agreement."

He noted  if there are any dilemmas that will question the will of the Greek people, then these dilemmas will be answered "through elections or a referendum."

Asked about the SYRIZA government's plan in case of a rupture, Kammenos pointed out that Greece does not want a Grexit and stressed that the coalition SYRIZA-ANEL government will do everything in their power to defend the sovereignty of the Greek people.

Turning to payments, Kammenos reassured the Greek reporter that "the IMF will be paid", on time and said that Greece has received no funds for the past eight months, but has been able to pay its tranches to its creditors on time while at the same operate the country. He also said that the government has not agreed and/or signed anything binding for the country.

He said that some of the red lines of his party concern further cuts in pensions and wages, mass layoffs and even the privatizations of productive units, such as (DEH - the Greek Power company, the port of Piraeus OLP, and the site of the former Hellinikon airport). When asked, he also ruled out a proposed VAT increase on the islands.

Instead, Kammenos lashed out at the Berlin government claiming that it "Germany rules Europe."

Asked on the joint exploitation of the mineral wealth of the Aegean with the US, he said he spoke of "internationally recognized rates of joint exploitation" and added that the declaration of the EEZ and the joint exploitation of the mineral wealth are associated with the strategic choices that the country will make. He said that the government would reach agreements with anyone it can, apart from the lenders and cited as an example countries such as the United States, Russia, China, India and Middle East countries.

Asked about the decision of the Government Council of Foreign Affairs and Defence (KYSEA) to modernize five 'P-3 Orion' maritime patrol air crafts for 500 million dollars as part of an interstate agreement with the US government, Kammenos revealed that their upgrading program was activated by a KYSEA decision in 2012, or from the previous conservative government of Antonis Samaras.

Reports claim that the aircraft had been acquired for free from the US (in 1991-1992); they are now 25-years-old and their modernization will extend their life span for another 15,000 hours. The modernization of these planes is to be carried out by Lockheed Martin in the Greek Aerospace Industry (EAB) as well as other Greek companies and/or subcontractors. This outsourcing ensures jobs over a seven-year period.

The air crafts were flying without any problems until 2009 and were withdrawn by a decision of the Defence minister at the time (Meimarakis) because they were considered too old. If they were immediately modernized it would not have cost as much (of course there was no discussion about purchasing new air crafts to replace them on account of the economic crisis.)

Their modernization is considered necessary as their reconstruction cost provides work for hundreds of workers and best of all, there is border control.

References: enikos live, ANA-MPA