


April 28, 2015

Kammenos: “Some want to subjugate Greece”

Minister of National Defence Panos Kammenos said that early elections would not benefit Greece, and revealed that “some want to subjugate Greece” and do not have the political intention to come to an agreement. In an interview on MEGA tv, Kammenos said that although he is against early elections, a referendum could be carried out if an attempt is made to force Greece out of the Eurozone.

The Greek Minister of Defence left it to be understood that he is in complete support of the government’s negotiation efforts, stressing that they are in line with the fresh popular mandate it received in January’s elections.

He heavily criticized German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble for what he said is his hostile stance towards Greece, in spite of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent statement that everything would be done so that our country does not leave the euro.

Kammenos also warned that there is not going to be a solution to the current crises should the personal policy of the German Finance Minister prevail. He also underlined that the government has taken many steps forward regarding reforms and explained that the policy of “internal devaluation, over-taxation and cuts in wages and pensions seems to have failed, something which the international creditors admit”. In his opinion, many northern European leaders are clueless as to what is really going on in the South.