


April 16, 2015

George Papandreou meets with Tsipras, says Greece should stay in Eurozone (VIDEO)

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras received the leader of the Movement of Democrats Socialists George Papandreou on Thursday in an unexpected meeting that raised a few eyebrows. Following the meeting, the man, who is responsible for placing Greece in the arms of the IMF, told reporters that it is a patriotic duty for Greece to maintain its achievements and stay in the hard core of Europe.

Papandreou also noted that Greece should not lose its membership in the Eurozone and then went on with diplomatic statements that favour a different Europe which in his view should be less conservative with more solidarity and democracy.

Prior to the meeting, a report on SKAI tv, had mentioned that the arrangements for the meeting were made a few weeks ago.

It should also be noted that the meeting was held only a few days after good old George appeared to publicly support the SYRIZA-ANEL government in the ongoing negotiations (or maybe until the PM went to Moscow...).

In other related news, prior to the meeting Papandreou had appeared on Kriti TV where he was highly critical of Evangelos Venizelos and Antonis Samaras. The man who destroyed the Greek economy and who has always worked against Greek interests, and who has never had the manhood to even apologize to the Greek people for what he has done, accused the former two of not supporting him and contributing towards his government being overthrown and the latter for avoiding the implementation of reforms.

In the same program he also urged the SYRIZA-ANEL government to work towards an “honest compromise” with the Troika and disregard the political cost, stressing that the Greek people must be aware that a large part of SYRIZA’s election pledges cannot be implemented.

(This is indeed laughable. He says this from experience because his government did exactly the same when it cleverly toppled the Costas Karamanlis government by promising the people of Greece everything but the kitchen sink.) 

Another hysterical point in this interview -which obviously caught our attention- is when Papandreou conceded that his only “mistake” while in government was not insisting on holding the referendum in 2011 when he was faced with the prospect of requesting assistance from the IMF. In his opinion, if the referendum was actually carried out, he would have the necessary popular mandate to carry out the changes and reforms that were required.

(Not surprisingly another series of ridiculous statements by a man who is probably the most loathed personality in Greece.)

Editor's Note: Μιλανε ολοι μιλανε και οι κωλοι