


April 15, 2015

Anarchists continue to occupy Athens University, Samaras calls Tsipras to enforce law (VIDEOS)

The Rectorate of the University of Athens remained occupied by anarchists for the 16th day in relation to the hunger strike launched by several prison inmates, with university authorities appealing to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and other political leaders to end the occupation.

As such, leader of the main opposition New Democracy party, Antonis Samaras, called on the Prime Minister to finally enforce the law and on the police to immediately intervene in the University premises that are under occupation.
     "It should have happened a few days ago," noted Samaras, noting that conditions of state dissolution and violation of fundamental rights of thousands of students and their families exist.
He said that the rectors' plea is revealing and that the responsible alternate minister's public statements show the impasse of the so-called unprecedented dialogue-policy with the hooded individuals.
     "Lawlessness dominates every passing moment for which the government and its provocative policy are fully responsible," added Samaras.
A statement was released on Monday, with university authorities arguing that lives are at risk, claiming that drug abuse is taking place on university grounds. They also note that the institution is unable to function on a basic level, since essential services are housed in the occupied buildings, such as finances, administration, student welfare, graduation ceremonies and cooperation with foreign universities.

Concluding their statement, the university authorities called the Prime Minister and political leaders to assume their responsibilities and find a solution to end the hostage situation of the Rectorate.

A number of solidarity actions and protests have been planned outside the Rectorate on Tuesday. At 9am a solidarity demonstration has been called, followed by a solidarity march towards the Courts at 11am. Finally, a motorcycle demo will take place at 5pm.

The anarchists who have occupied the Rectorate responded with a statement of their own, stressing their solidarity to the ongoing hunger strike and accusing the university authorities of generating a climate of fear, by surrounding the buildings with police forces.

According to the anarchists, the accusations of drug use are a “product of morbid imagination and malice”. They also released a video of the interior, to demonstrate that no damages have been caused to university property during the occupation.

Sources: ANA-MPA, SKAI tv, To Vima, ΝΕΡΙΤ Τv, Youtube,