


April 15, 2015

ALERT - More than 100,000 migrants expected to illegally enter Greece in 2015 (VIDEO)

While the world concentrates on what is happening with the Greek economy, the far-leftist forces in SYRIZA are putting the final end to the previous government's police operation which successfully curbed the flow of illegal immigration into Greece. As announced by Minister of Immigration Policy Tasia Christodoulopoulou earlier this week, more than 100,000 migrants will illegally cross into Greece this year alone and according to her, Greece will cater to all their needs.

Speaking on MEGA Tv, Christodoulopoulou said that currently there is a funding gap and Athens is submitting proposals to the European Commission in order to get emergency aid to deal with the problem. She insisted on calling the migrants refugees because, as she pointed out, by doing so, the Greek government can get migration funding from the EU.

(HellasFrappe personally believes that she insists on baptizing them refugees and encourages us the people to follow suit because it suits SYRIZA's open boarder policies which are not in Greece's interests.)

As such, the government plans to adopt emergency measures to deal with this anticipated new wave of migrants. A government meeting chaired by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was held on Tuesday, on this very issue with the government stressing that it was "above all a humanitarian issue."
     "Recently, an increased influx of refugees has been observed for the same reasons that, at the same exact period, there has been a strongly rising trend of refugee influx to Italy as well," government spokesman Gavriil Sakellaridis said, after the meeting on Tuesday.
     "From the initial records, it appears that the motive of the majority of these people is not financial hardship, but an immediate threat to their lives," Sakellaridis said.
He added that in the meeting it was decided that:
  • Newly-arrived migrants will be transported from the islands to mainland Greece, where authorities will distinguish between migrants and refugees.
  • Syrian refugees who qualify for asylum will be given all necessary documents immediately.
  • A plan was approved to create special covered areas in camps and existing facilities where all necessary medical examinations will be carried out and all health and safety rules observed.
  • In view of the EU Summit and the relevant ministerial council meeting, the government will carry out all necessary actions in order to manage in the framework of European solidarity the influx of migrants and refugees to Europe and to ensure the proportionate distribution of refugees among all EU countries.
According to the government spokesman the refugee issue is international, not just Greek.
     "It requires seriousness, calmness and above all a humanitarian attitude. At this point, political games and gratuitous populism with human lives is unacceptable."
Ministers attending Tuesday's meeting on migration issues included Interior and Administration Reconstruction Minister Nikos Voutsis, Alternate Minister for Civil Protection Yiannis Panousis, Alternate Shipping Minister Theodoros Dritsas, Alternate Minister for Migration Policy Tasia Christodoulopoulou, Admiral Athanassios Athanassopoulos from the Port Authority, a deputy chief of the Port Authority (Nikolaos Patrinos), and a special counsellor to the European Commissioner on Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos.

Commenting on this new threat to our economy and especially our nation (which is suffering greatly on all fronts from the already existing numbers of illegal migrants -most of whom are in Athens-), National Defense Panos Kammenos said that he estimated that the migration problem is “too huge” and that Greece is unable to cope with the number of migrants and refugees from the Middle East. He told ANT1 tv in one interview that “the wars in the Middle East will cause thousands to migrate, but that this issue is not just a Greek problem.
     "It is one thing to say I will close the entrance and another to see the sea filled with children. The EU must accept that they are refugees who cannot remain on the islands”.
Kammenos also noted that the recent waves of migration are raising health concerns while he stressed that funding should go towards the construction of hospitality facilities, rather than to FRONTEX (which has so far battled against smugglers).

Kammenos did say that these facilities should not be constructed on the islands since this would only encourage human traffickers to continue with business as usual. He also called for stricter penalties on human trafficking.

The Minister of National Defense also called on the European Union to pressure the Turkish government to respect and implement the Dublin Regulation.

Finally, Kammenos claimed that his comments regarding jihadists heading to Germany, should Greece not stabilize, were misconstrued and explained that his comments were not meant to be taken as a threat, but rather a description of a reality, due to the sharp rise of migration.

Nonetheless, the migration wave to Greece from the Turkish coast continues unabated. Over the past few days hundreds of immigrants crossed into Greece illegally.

In fact, in the first three months of 2015, more than 10,445 migrants illegally entered Greece via sea, (who knows how many crossed over by land). In March alone more than 6,498 migrants were found to have crossed over through the Eastern Aegean.

It is quite interesting to also note that after SYRIZA came to government and until the end of March, the number of migrants that entered Greece illegally increased three-fold compared to the first three months of 2014.

The islands that have received the greatest waves of migration are Mytilene, with about 4,500 migrants currently held there, followed by Chios, Leros and Samos.

Editor's Note: It is more than certain that traffickers will stop at nothing to conduct business as usual, but if FRONTEX is not supported then we here at HellasFrappe suspect that we will see the 100,000 figure skyrocket. This statement was a MAJOR FAIL and Panos Kammenos should never have made it. Also important to note: The far-leftist forces in SYRIZA have always followed an open boarder ideology and some of these forces openly rally for migrants all across Greece. In previous reports we have presented hard information from various sources such as television news reports, statements, analysis, etc., that proves that these very same migrant organizations are trafficking their own people and making billions of euros from this activity -which we all know is undeclared capital-. HellasFrappe truly believes that if SYRIZA presses ahead with the reforms that the Troika desires it will lose its popularity with the people and therefore will look elsewhere for support. This is why we support the theory that they will nationalize these illegal immigrants -by baptizing them refugees- so that they can stay in the political game. This is not only unconstitutional, illogical and ridiculous, it is also dangerous. Let us not forget the threats that have already been made from extremists in some radicalized Middle Eastern nations against Europeans, and let us not forget the countless stories that have been featured on HellasFrappe that literally warn us of this trafficking industry's dangers. We truly believe that the Greek people will not tolerate this threat, and we fear that as it evolves, so will the extreme far right. In fact we believe that the extreme rights's popularity will skyrocket and the only thing that this will achieve is dividing our people even more. Another civil war? Stay tuned Frappers.

Sources: MEGA Tv, ANT1 tv, YouTube, ANA-MPA, enikos, To Vima