
February 3, 2015

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Turkey Rejects Tsipras Proposal To Recommence Cyprus Talks

The proposal made by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to recommence talks on the Cypriot dispute was apparently rejected by the government of Ankara, said that Turkish daily Hurriyet in one report on Tuesday.

Sources told the paper that the Turkish government is not willing to withdraw the Barbaros research vessel from the Cypriot EEZ and that Ankara is not planning on changing its stance on the issue.

Turkey, according to the author of the article, is standing by three positions: That a UN solution is promoted; that the natural sources belong to the united Cyprus and that a committee be formed to manage any income derived from natural resources.

Greece and Cyprus consider these positions unacceptable and stress the need for Turkey to end its provocations and respect the sovereignty of Cyprus by withdrawing its research vessel from Cyprus' EEZ, so that talks can recommence.

Reference: Hurriyet

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