


July 7, 2014

BUSTED - Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki Finally Admits That She Backs SYRIZA

If you follow HellasFrappe then you might recall that we have charged Mrs. Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki of supporting the radical left SYRIZA party in more than one report. Well no second guessing is needed any longer because she not only recently admitted that she supports the Greek main opposition party, but she also left it to be understood that she is going to do everything in her power to get into the Greek political scene!

Just ten years after her controversial triumph as head of the committee for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, Greek business woman Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki seems as hungry as ever for a slice of public life, states an article in the ProtoThema newspaper. The article notes that Angelopoulos doesn’t chew on her words when it comes to sharing her political viewpoints, and even finger-points in specific directions when asked to elaborate. All this of course while drinking the finest Chardonnay, and jetting off to one of her many homes around the world.

She said that if SYRIZA took over the leadership of the country it wouldn't be so bad. Apparently Gianna is convinced that SYRIZA represents the new political force in Greece.

And here is where it makes no sense to those who still refuse to see the truth unlike others who know how to look beyond the surface, she is contrary to SYRIZA's views on the harsh EU measures and/or austerity (that were a result of the Memorandums). As she has said in the past, entering the EU family is like a “bad marriage” that is in need of a “marriage counsellor” rather than a divorce.

She rightfully blames the administration and premiership of the late prime minister Andreas Papandreou (PASOK party’s founder), for his catastrophic policies in the 1980s for the dire straits Greece is in, but refuses to admit that she and his son George are rumored to be forming a new party in Greece that follows the line of the Democratic US party.

And what is worse, Gianna also has the audacity to point the finger at other political officials in Greece especially former leader of the New Democracy (ND) Costas Karamanlis for what she says was the escalation of the debt from 2004-2009. Of course mums the word on how she went from rich to super rich during her run as head of the committee for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, or on how she pressured Karamanlis to nominate her for President of the Republic several years ago.

She, herself, began her political career in 1986 as a counsellor at the Municipality of Athens with former ND head Miltiadis Evert and entered Greek Parliament in 1990.

Today, aside from her interest in politics, and especially the role of President of the Republic, as we stated above (and as noted by ProtoThema as well) Ms. Angelopoulos-Daskalaki says that the general attitude towards her from Greece's political fora, as well as Greeks in general is that citizens are afraid of her.

(Lol... Good one)
     “They are afraid of me,” she told the reporter conducting the interview, adding that she would be willing to go to the ends of the world on any national mission for the sake of Greece. Nice on paper, but in reality how can she even dare to say that when her best friends include the war-mongering Clintons, the controversial Socratis Kokkalis,  etc... etc...
The article actually got a but comical when she stated that "they" (meaning the Greek political system) wants her, because in her opinion it knows that she cannot be controlled.

We don't know what she spikes her daily coffee with, but she needs to come down from her highchair a bit and realize that Greece does not need someone that once owned a castle but claims to feel for the unprivileged in Greece, we need honest hardworking and compassionate souls who want and strive for the best for the people of this nation.

In fact she is so rich that she was once named as being one of the 50 most powerful women by Forbes.

So when a woman such as Gianna throws the gauntlet at representatives of the government stating that the elite are to blame for the current situation whilst distancing herself from this group, it is not only funny, it is downright ridiculous.

(Editor's Note - The only conclusion one can draw from this story is that we will be seeing a lot of this lady in the weeks and months to come -especially in the run-up-to the election of the President of the Republic-. Her presence in Greek political life should be taken seriously because it only proves that the powers that be have more in store for our nation. She is the same lady who opened the road for George Papandreou in the US and Harvard's Kennedy Academy where good old George acted out the role of professor, and she is the same lady who was reported to have linked Tsipras up with extremely wealthy Greek-American and American businessmen while he had visited the US a couple of years ago. So let us link it all together shall we? She is friends with the Clintons who we all know are not only war mongers but also active speakers for specific oil companies (Bill that is). His wife Hillary (the same woman who came to Athens and suddenly Greeks discovered they had oil reserves) is striving to gain the next US Presidential seat and needs the financial backing of some of these companies. So right there we have a reason to believe that Gianna will be serving the interests of these people (and the people who support them, as George did). Then there is good old George Papandreou -Mr. George Sorros' pet- who is not only good friends with Gianna, but he is also the man who set the Greek crisis ablaze by allowing the IMF to come into Greece and tie it hand and foot. Then there is Tsipras whose party went from rags to riches by gaining all of Papandreou's supporters. So... George is temporarily out of the political scene because he needs to regroup and reorganize himself on how to gain power again, while friend Gianna is doing the groundwork by keeping close relations with the major think tanks, and Alexis is trying to maintain the house at home by feeding voters exactly what they want to hear. So can we conclude that all these three characters have the same interests at heart? Of course we can helllooo....  She openly admits now that she supports Tsipras, so it is not that far-fetched and certainly this triple link is not as ridiculous as it sounds. And what is her beef with Costas Karamanlis anyway? If she wants (ed) the best for Greece and its people so much, as she claims, then she should be bowing her head to this former prime minister because he openly and fearlessly defended Greece's interests on energy matters, the FYROM issue and even the devastating Annan plan for Cyprus. He never once bowed to the "establishment" even when the same "system" began coming down hard on him. If she is against Karamanlis, and without reason critical of him, then quite simply she is against what is best for Greece and our people. Also, by backing SYRIZA she is also just another neocon who follows a George Soros philosophy (or a Kissinger philosophy) on how the world should be governed. SYRIZA's members have on more than one occasion openly defend FYROM against Greece on the issue of the name, and they have pushed the Greek political system to embrace Turkey more and more and they have adopted the same political ideologies as George Papandreou on energy matters -meaning they favor US geopolitical rule in our region over a European or Russian one- (Alexis visit to the Soros-backed Brookings institute convinced us of that). Last but not least they also fully support the corrupt public system our country is plagued because controlling the state they control the nations security and well-being. And let us not even touch on the subject of terrorism, because some SYRIZA members have openly supported some of these shady characters on all levels over the years. Let us not forget that they also are in favor of a grander flow of illegal immigrants into Greece, much in the same way Papandreou is, because as we all know this is how countries destabilize and are blackmailed in suffering from cultural chaos. If this woman actually wants to be taken seriously, and is indeed on the up and up as she states, then she should realize that she can only gain the respect of Greek citizens when she turns her attention to the nation's actual needs. Lavish champagne parties with high-profile personalities, as she is accustomed to, or luncheons with rich businessmen, or American war mongers will not cut it. Oh... and tampering in the Greek political scene by pressuring specific politicians to hand over the seat of President of the Republic to you on a silver platter is not exactly what we call kosher either. We can go on and on... She represents everything we loathe in Greece's political elite because she and people such as her -like good old George- cannot comprehend that the situation we are witnessing today is because they (meaning the elite) became hungrier for more power, more money and more of everything. If she wants to make her mark in politics she should start at the ground level but in order to do so she should first allow an auditing committee to open an honest probe into the lavish expenses made during her run as head of the committee for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. We have read some incredible stories in the Greek press about this period and it would be interesting to see what this Pandora's Box would reveal once opened. This is the only way that she will gain the respect of the Greek people. By proving her worthiness in actions, not words, she will slowly rise in her political career. Just like every other person does. She is not anything special, and her riches cannot buy her a position to Greece's highest political chair. No we do not fear Gianna, as she states, we laugh at her ambitions and find them comical, and we ignore her as much as we ignore her groupies -George and Tsipras-.)

Reference for story -