
May 6, 2014

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Italian Scientist Cracks Mystery Code in Rare Copy of "Odyssey"!

An Italian computer engineer has apparently cracked the riddle of some mysterious handwritten notations that were discovered in the margins of 1504 Venetian edition of Homer’s Odyssey.

According to press reports, Daniele Metilli won a US $1,000 prize, that was awarded to him by the University of Chicago Library from a collector by the name of M.C. Lang (who had donated the book to the University of Chicago Library in 2007) for doing just that!

The Italian scientist who identified the mystery script as a system of shorthand invented by Frenchman Jean Coulon de Thevenot in the late 18th century, was quited as saying that although he reads Greek, and writes in French, as well as has spent days and nights trying to solve difficult word puzzles, he and his team rediscovered that the Odyssey was not an easy mystery to solve.
    "We approached the contest looking for an adventure, and we got it. It was a wonderful experience and we could not be more happy!”
"Una Faccia Una Razza" (One Face, One Race).

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