
January 13, 2014

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Three More Golden Dawn MPs Now In Custody

The investigating magistrates and the prosecutor assigned to investigate the Golden Dawn party at the weekend agreed that three GD MPs should be held in custody pending trial on charges of belonging to a criminal group, on what they say is evidence linking the ultra-right party to a series of attacks, including the killing of an anti-racism rapper in 2013.

Giorgos Germenis and Panagiotis Iliopoulos were remanded in custody on Saturday and Stathis Boukouras was held in custody on Sunday.

All three MPs are now facing charges of participating in a criminal organisation and will be jailed at the Korydallos prison joining Golden Dawn leader Nikos Mihaloliakos and MPs Christos Pappas and Giannis Lagos.

All three MPs, who have been stripped of their parliamentary immunity from prosecution, have denied the charges against them.

Meanwhile, Golden Dawn spokesman Elias Kasidiaris snapped back at the government and said that his party is being politically persecuted while “terrorists and crooked politicians,” run scot-free, referring to the escape of two convicted terrorists who walked away from furloughs and a growing scandal in the defense ministry and the Hellenic Postbank.

Supporters of Greece’s far right Golden Dawn party made their voices heard as three party members appealed against accusations of belonging to a criminal group.
     “The terrorists are walking free, the scamming politicians of PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) and New Democracy are walking free. Not a single lawmaker or minister has been called to be questioned for the scandals, the pay offs and the corruption. The only ones that are dragged illegally to jails and questioned are the lawmakers of Golden Dawn. We hope that Greek justice will prevail despite the illegal political pressures it is under,” he said, according to Euronews.

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