
December 13, 2013

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Son Of Well-Known Greek Shipowner Escapes From Abductors

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The son of a well-known Greek shipowner escaped an attempted kidnapping on Thursday afternoon outside the offices of his father’s company, Minerva Marine, in the southern region of Athens. According to reports, two cars followed Andreas-Yiannis Martinos’s vehicle right after the 33-year-old was leaving the firm’s offices. The reports said that a minivan pulled up alongside him, blocking him from moving forward, and two armed men got out. Martinos, who apparently had received training against such threats, put his car in reverse and rammed the other vehicle that was was blocking his car from behind. As a result the car caught on fire, and Martinos drove into the company’s secure parking garage. The reports said that the suspected kidnappers got into the van and drove off, leaving the other burning vehicle. The minivan was later discovered by authorities. Police officials suspect that a third vehicle was also involved in the attempted abduction.

Article in Greek newsit

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