
December 26, 2013

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Greeks Get On Guinness Book of Records With GIANT Kourabie

Some people will do anything for five minutes of glory, but then again there are some achievements that deserve applause. Kourabie cookies which are a must on every Greek desert table during the festive Christmas season in Greece are not just a snow-dusted treat that matches up with a warm cup of coffee, they are also serious business to many Greek bakers who continually challenge themselves every year developing new flavors and uses for this luscious holiday treat.

Wanting to endorse its consumption even more some Thessaloniki Greek bakers got together and decided to bake a huge cookie and get it on the Guinness Book of World Records. Well they did, the giant kourabie was prepared by a team in Northern Greece and weighed in at an astronomical 300 kg. After receiving the news, the crew served up this delectable treat to hungry onlookers.

In order to create the GIANT kourabie, its bakers and developers needed: 150 eggs, 100 kg of sugar, 150 kg of flour, 70 kg of butter, four liters of cognac and 30 kg of almonds.

Apparently the cookie was created in many sections and then assembled into its final half-moon shape.


Source in Greek - philenews

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