
October 7, 2013

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Which Poles Are Weapons? Those Carrying Greek Flags, or Those Carrying KKE Flags?

Over the last few days we have heard a plethora of stories about the so-called weaponry of the Golden Dawn party. How can poles used for carrying the Greek flag, be considered as weapons? If we take this argument seriously, then we here at HellasFrappe want to draw your attention to the following story.

The following photo at the top of this page was snapped at the riots in 2011 between a chapter of the Greek Communist party (PAME) and leftist anarchists (who incidentally cannot stand eachother because KKE will never forgive them for breaking away from their party and weakening it). This particular picture shows known trade unionist of PAME, Mr. Manousogiannakis, who is a member of KKE and was a candidate for Vice-Prefect of Piraeus, holding a wooden pole - which looks like it belonged to a flag - and getting ready to defend his PAME brothers and/or to strike something or someone.

The Greek media has been telling us over the last few days that authorities have been discovering weaponry at various locations around the country which include knives -mostly hunting knives, or pocket knives-, poles -such as the above- and laptops. In other words NOTHING. If our memory serves us correctly here at HellasFrappe after the arrest of several Greek far-leftist terrorist organizations we remember reports of authorities claiming they discovered loads of Kalashnikov rifles, grenades, machine guns, deadly rifles, bullets, etc.. All these items were not only found, but they were also photographed by most of the press under flags of Che Guevara and other radical leaders. Also, we here at HellasFrappe remember featuring a story about the raid on Villa Amalia where officials found 1,500 empty bottles and flammable liquid -which are used to make Molotov bombs-, as well as iron balls, big combat slings, and other combat equipment.

This differs greatly from flag poles, pocket knives and laptops!

We here at HellasFrappe are curious, did the Greek government ever prosecute the man in this picture? Or the people in the video below who clearly were there to kill one another?

Was this KKE politician ever called in for questioning from authorities, and was his political party ever shunned by members of the Greek Parliament for being a criminal organization?

Were they ever told that they were not part of the "Democratic Arc"? (Even though they aren't because they do not respect Greek parliamentary rule)

The obvious answer is a loud NO

Friends,. over the last 40 years attacks such as the above photo -including the destruction of public property- were widely accepted and viewed as a good type of violence by a large portion of the Greek society, but when this same act, (as in the photo above) included a face from someone from the right then it was quickly demonized, frowned upon and looked at as a bad type of violence.

There is no good or bad violence, it is all VIOLENCE!

Frappers, if  we demonize the Greek flag pole, which the establishment is now trying to tell us is a weapon of Golden Dawn, then we must also demonize and criminalize the poles carrying the flag of KKE, or the flag of New Democracy, the PASOK flag, or the flag of SYRIZA, or the flag of the Independent Greek party and every other party's flag which is in the Greek parliament.

Let us make something clear, we are not saying that these poles cannot be used in violent acts, they probably could, all we are saying is that if this applies to one side, then it has to be applied to everyone. You cannot have "selective violence", because the only thing you do is give way to more extremism. Besides, it is downright hypocritical.

Reference in Greek Dexi X-treme
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