
October 1, 2013

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What Did The BBC Have To Say To A Greek Who Asked Them To Call FYROM, FYROM

HellasFrappe has often said that changing the world only requires small acts of resistance and minds who seek to live in truth. Our blog firmly believes that a passion for democratic freedom is an innate, intrinsic human desire. Our message to Hellenes all over the world, and friends of Greece, is of maximum democracy and unadulterated freedom and we know that we have the potential to impact many minds to follow suit. We have worked hard to cultivate a community around such ideas because we stopped relying on the media, and the political elite to build that community. We know they can't, only the actions of a united community of Greeks and friends of Greece can. Check out this story, and the impact that it had on a giant such as the BBC. Bravo Dimitri.We dedicate the following quote to you.
      "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do. ~ Helen Keller

Here is Dimitri's letter:
     "Dear sirs,
     Numerous times your programs have used the name "Macedonia" when referring to the country F.Y.R.O.M. (or Former Yugoslavic Republic Of Macedonia). As I come from Greece, I feel deeply offended when... mostly during news or sports you use the northern Greece regional name to refer to a different country than Greece. As it is clearly a miss-representation for my Welsh friends (I live in Carmarthen, Wales) to be referred to as “English” or use “England” when referring to Wales (mainly when on holiday abroad), I would like to stress how strongly I feel about this especially while the ex-Yugoslavian newly formed country has no links what-so-ever with Macedonia or Greece.
I wish you could take this complaint seriously,
And The BBC responded:
     "Thank you for contacting us regarding our programme, Radio Wales Sport, and I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed with its content.
     "The BBC strives to be accurate and to deliver quality of the highest standard and audiences are at the heart of everything we do, and so we do appreciate all listener feedback.
     "I understand that the naming of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is a sensitive issue, and that referring to the team as 'Macedonia' could cause offence, particularly to listeners and viewers from Greece. I’m sure you’ll accept that this was not our intention, and I will pass on your comments to our commentary teams, and stress the importance of always getting the name of the country correct.
     "We do appreciate your feedback, and I hope that our reply goes some way to answering your anxieties.
Yours sincerely,
Peredur A Jones
Audience Services, BBC Cymru Wales"
So was it worth it? Well Dimitri received a response almost immediately. Successful or not, he got their attention. Imagine what would happen if 17 million Greeks in the Diaspora, and 11.5 million in Greece followed suit?

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