
October 2, 2013

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BREAKING - Kassidiaris, & Other Golden Dawn MPs Released, Only Lagos To Face Charges (VIDEO)

According to news reports, Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kassidiaris was released on Wednesday morning after giving his deposition to the prosecution. He was obligated to pay 50,000 euros in bail and is prohibited from leaving the country. At the same time, Golden Dawn MPs Ilias Panagiotaros and Nikos Michos were also released without warranty and are also prohibited from exiting the country. The only GD official that is still in custody, after giving his deposition, is John Lagos.

The depositions began on Tuesday afternoon and ended on Wednesday morning.

The four MPs apparently argued that their arrests were unconstitutional. Kasidiaris for instance named a man he believed to be one of two key witnesses in the case, noting that he was ousted by GD because he would often ask GD officials for money (in what some say was to support a very bad drug addition). On one of his many televised talk shows, veteran journalist George Trangas said on Tuesday night, that it would be very difficult for a jury to take anything this particular witness said seriously because he is indeed a dope addict, and he has also been charged with sexually molesting his own child.

Reports claim that all four MPs denied the prosecution's allegations that the events that followed the murder of 34-year-old rapper Pavlos Fyssas by 45-year-old Golden Dawn member Giorgos Roupakias on September 17 followed the chain of command set out in GD's charter and they answered that Golden Dawn's charter presented by the court had been falsified.

Golden Dawn chief Nikos Michaloliakos is expected to give his deposition on Wednesday afternoon, while the party's parliamentary spokesman, Christos Pappas, is going to give his deposition on Thursday. It is believed that after their deposition, they too will be released.

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